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Macy's POV
It's been a week since I had my little break down at the station in front on everyone. I haven't said a word to Maya or Carina I haven't even been to the station since that day. I'm mad at Maya yes she left me with her ass of a dad and her cowardly mom. After all the stuff she went through as a kid in that house why would she think that it was a better choice to leave her daughter in the care of those people. The only person I have been talking to is Emma and I have told her all of this stuff and asked what she thought about it and what I should do. Today I was going to go hang out with her and we where gonna start looking for my dad. My real dad; I mean how bad could he be right?

It's around 12:30 or so and I walk out of my room to the door and as I go to grab the handle "where are you going?" Maya asked I thought she had work today but guess I was wrong without a word I continued to open the door and walk out with her following me "Macy you can't just leave and not tell me where your going." She says "I thought that's what we did." I said as I got in to the Uber that just pulled up and as I shut the door the guy pulled off I looked back to see Maya standing at the road watching. I mean what was I supposed to say 'oh by the way I'm going to find my dad' she would try and stop me.

I got to Emma's house and we got her computer and we started looking for different DNA kits so I could find my dad and maybe find out why Maya didn't want me to know or know anything about him.

It's was getting late " you want to go home and start back tomorrow?" Emma asked "not just yet let's keep going." I said still looking at my her computer. There's got to be something I can find before going back to Mayas place. "Mac it's getting late and I'm sure Maya and Carina are worried." She says I look up from her computer and look at her "if they worry I don't care they should have told me before now." I tell her then look back at the computer " I got one." I show her " Ancestry DNA that's what I'm gonna get." I say then order it and close the computer. "It's gonna come here so Maya and Carina don't know what I'm doing." I tell her "don't you think there's a reason Maya don't want you to find this guy ?" She asked me " I don't care Em my whole life the woman I believed to be my sister is my mom and the man I thought was my dad was my grandpa how am I'm supposed to Just hear that news and not try and find my real dad." I say "how bad could he be?" I asked

We sat at her house for about an hour or so and talked watched a movie and just hung out. We got past all the stuff that happened and are working on us so maybe we might be okay.

Around 2am I walked into the house and the living room light came on. "Where have you been?" Maya asked "out." I said as I started to my room "not so fast Macy." She said following me " you haven't been here all day then you come in at 2am what are you up to?" She asked "gah nothing okay I was with Em. I swear I can't do anything anymore." I say walking into my room slamming the door. Not in the mood to talk to her.

Mayas POV
After waiting up for Macy and after her slamming her door in my face and coming home at 2am. I made my way to my room and laid down in bed and felt Carina roll over "is she home?" She asked me "yea..she's home." I said "she'll come around give it time." She tells me "I know." I say and then went to sleep.

*The next day *
Macy POV
I wake up to a call from Emma "hello" I say "hey Macy the kit came in." She tells me "okay I'll be there in about an hour." I say "oh and Em thank you." I say  " I'll see you a little bit." She says " bye Em" I say "bye Mac." She says we hang up and then I go to get ready. After getting ready I walked out and went to the living room and no one was up yet so I got me a drink and something to eat and left to go to Emma's house. Time to find out who my dad is.

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