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Macy's POV
It's been a few weeks since the woman come to the staton and the baby had gotten put in to foster care. It was a week till Christmas so at school we had exams. So all night I was up studying for my math exam the next day. It was my last exam and I was pretty good at math so I wasn't worried about failing my exam. This would be my first Christmas with out my dad or mom normally we just have Maya over for lunch and then back to normal after that but ever since Maya had been with carina she hadn't been to the house for Christmas a lot which I understand a lot I mean I didn't even wanna be there some times. I was in my room watching tv when Maya comes in my room " hey kiddo get up we going to get a tree." She said pulling me out of bed "Maya I don't wanna." I say "nope your going and we are gonna have fun." She tells me "why are you so happy today?" I asked her she was not in her normal mood. "Because it's almost Christmas and this year your with me and we will have so much fun and there's gonna be hot chocolate and candy canes." She went on to tell me more of how fun Christmas would be this year for me her and Carina but I wasn't believing it. Christmas hasn't ever been that fun for me but now with me being here with her and Carina I just don't know why I can't be happy and cheerful like her. "But Maya what if something bad happens or if you get called to a fire?" I question as I get pulled out of my room to the kitchen where Carina is cooking. " oh it will be fine. Nothing is gonna happen. We are going to get a tree and put it up then we are gonna do all the things we did when mom and dad weren't looking." She tells me. "But we haven't done that in years Maya what if I mess up?" I asked "you can't mess it up okay plus Carina wants to see." She tells me "oh si I do Maya has told me all about it's I am ready." Carina tells me as we sit down to eat breakfast.

After we eat I go and change and then come back to the living room and put my shoes on and we go to get our Christmas tree. I can't believe I'm getting a tree I mean we had trees at my house growing up for Christmas but we never went to cut one down. The last time I remember cutting a tree down was when I was probably 8 years old so I was really happy about today.

We get the tree and go back to Mayas place and put it up and listen to Christmas music as we decorate the tree "Macy you ready for Christmas?" Carina asked me "as ready as I can be." I tell her Maya come over to put some decorations on the tree and Carina goes to check on the cookies she's been making. "Hey kid how you been lately?" Maya asked me as she stepped beside me to look at the tree. "I have been okay...I ready to see Emma." I tell her "I was gonna ask how that was going but I didn't know when." Maya said "it's been weird since that thing happened she's been distant and I don't know if it's me or not." I tell her the truth is Emma got distant ever Christmas but this year was different and I don't know why..

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