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Mayas POV

I was sitting in the kitchen looking over some paper work. Carina would be home anytime now and so would Macy we have dinner and I was planning on telling Macy a little bit about her dad and hopefully she'll understand why she don't need to be around him.

About an hour later I hear the door open "hey Bella" Carina said as she walked into the kitchen "hey." I said and grabbed the papers and put them away then came back to the kitchen. "What would you like for dinner bella?" Carina asked me "I'm not sure. Maybe we could do lasagna."
I say she nods in agreement and starts getting stuff ready to make lasagna.

It's been a few hours since Carina got home and Macy still wasn't here. She couldn't still be at the park with Emma. I tried to call her no answer I wasn't to worried because she could have just went to Emma's house for dinner or something.

It was about 9pm and I still haven't heard anything from Macy. Even with her not talking to me as much as she use to she still told me if she was coming home or staying with Emma. But I haven't got anything from her.

It was about 11pm now and I was still sitting in the living room waiting for Macy to come in. "Bella maybe she's at Emma's house and just forgot to tell you." Carina told me "maybe your right." I say "come on let's go to bed and she'll be home in the morning." She tells me so we go to bed.

The next morning I wake up and go to get a cup of coffee and then decide to go to Macy's room to see if she came home last night. I open the door and see her bad was made up and didn't look like anything has been moved. I tried to call her and no answer.

Around 7am I hear a knock at the door I go and open the door. "Emma hey." I say a little surprise to see her but no Macy "hey Maya is Macy here?" She asked me "no. She didn't stay with you after meeting you at the park yesterday?" I asked starting to worry about where she was "I didn't meet her at the park yesterday. The last time I saw her was two days ago." She tells me "what do you mean?" I asked "me and Mac had a little disagreement the other day and I haven't seen her since." She tells me " she's not here?" She asked "no she's not." I tell her " I thought she was just ignoring my text and calls" she tells me " so you haven't heard from her?" I asked "no ma'am.....um..I..." she goes to say something but stops "what?" I asked "I..I.. might know who she was meeting tho..." she tells me I get more worried "who?" I asked her.

Macy's POV
I wake up in a dark room no bed or anything just dark and cold. "Hello?" I say I know scary movie stuff first thing I do when I open my eyes is say 'hello' not the smartest thing to do but I mean what could happen. "Anyone there?" I asked no answer though so I guess I'm along great should have listened to Emma. To late for that. "Ah your awake good." I hear from across the room "who's there?" I asked I could only see a tall person standing at the door or the room and that's it "Maya shouldn't have kept you from me." The person said well guess that kinda answers my question "Nathan what's going on why am I here?" I asked no answer nothing I hear the door slam. Dang it.

Emma's POV
I tell Maya and Carina about what me a Macy have been doing and why she's been at my house so much lately. "So Macy did a DNA test to find her dad?" Maya said "yes. But I told Before she decides to meet him she needed to tell you I guess she didn't." I tell her "she didn't I told her he was a bad person why would she do this?" Maya asked "Bella it will be okay; we will find her and she's be okay." Carina tells Maya "I'm sorry I didn't know she was meeting him. She hasn't text me for the past two days." I tell them "it's okay it's not your fault." Maya says "okay. I guess I'll leave. And let you know if I hear anything from her." I tell them "thank you ." They say and then I leave.

Macy POV
It's cold. I want to go home what is this guys problem. The door opens "here eat." Nathan said "what do you want with me?" I asked him "I want your mom to feel what I felt." He said "what?" I asked "you'll see." He said then left again. Ugh I just want to go home. I know me and Maya aren't really best friends again but I miss her and Carina. It's only been 24 hours but still... I guess Emma was right.

A/N: hey guys hope you like it.
What does Nathan want with Macy?
How far is he willing to go to get back at Maya?
Will Maya and Macy be able to see each other again?

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