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Macys POV
It's been a week since me a Em hung out. We talk everyday and she's supposed to be coming over today to hang out. She's also supposed to be bring me my homework I have missed by not being at school but next week is my first week back I'm kinda nervous about it I haven't been all day with out my mom or Carina or someone at the station with me. So it's gonna be different.

I make my way to the kitchen to get a drink. I grab a water out of the fridge "hey kiddo." My mom says and I jump cause I didn't hear her come in. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." She tells me "it's okay just didn't here you." I say then walk to the living room "so what do you have planned today?" She asked me "Um Emma's supposed to be coming over today if that's still okay." I tell her. "Yea that's okay just remember if y'all go to your room then leave your door open." She tells me "okay okay I know." I say

Later that day

I was sitting in the living room waiting on Emma to come over when I hear a knock on the door I go and open the door "hey Mac." Em says "hey Em." I say as I move to the side so she can come in. We get back to the living room and she hands me a stack of paper "here is all the homework you missed." She tells me. She then helps me with the home work "so you coming back to school Monday?" She asked "um yea.. I guess I am.." I tell her "your not ready to go back are you?" She asked me " is it that obvious?" I ask  she just nods her head "great." I say "hey it's okay to not be ready to go back." She says and she grabs my hand "I'll be there the whole time." She tells me "I love you." I say "I love you too." She says with a smile.

After Emma went home. Carina had made dinner we all eat "you ready for school next week?" My mom asked "um I guess so." I say "Bella it will be okay you'll have fun." Carina tells me "I guess..." I say

After dinner I go to my room and look though my phone. I just wanna disappear. I don't want to go to school next week there is so much that could happen. Like Nathan could come back and try to take me or people could make fun of me. I just can't do it. But if I don't go mom will want me to tell her why and I'm not ready for that either I don't know what to do now. Maybe I'll act like I'm sick. Or something. As I try to fall asleep my brain won't shut off so I guess no sleep for me again tonight this sucks. I just hope tomorrow night will be easier.

A/N: sorry for the wait hope you like there will be one more time jump. How do you think school will go? Will Macy go or not? What will happen if she goes?

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