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No ones POV
The next few days where a little weird with Macy not eating hardly anything and Maya trying not to push her. Maya didn't want Macy to shut down all the way but if Macy didn't eat in the long run it could get bad and no one wanted that.

* A week later*

Macys POV
I woke up like normal I got up went and got changed and went downstairs "morning bean." Mom said "morning." I say back to her "ah morning Bella." Mama said oh yea by the way I started calling Carina mama. "Morning mama." I say to her "what's the plan today?" I asked them "breakfast, station, and then movie night." Mom said "okay sounds good." I say as I walk to the living room "bean come eat something." Mom says " I'm not hungry. Maybe later." I say know good and well I won't be eating anything. "Bella you need to eat." Mama says "I'm good really I'll um.. eat at the station." I say as I  sit down on the couch.

"We need to get her to eat something bella." I hear mama talking to mom "I know I just...give her time she'll eat." Mom says knowing she knows that I won't eat unless someone makes me eat. "Okay." I hear mama say "okay Mac you ready?" Mom asked "yea let's go." I say standing up I guess a little to fast cause I got a little dizzy. "You okay?" Mama asked "yea just stood up to fast." I say "bye mama." I say "bye bambina bye bella." She says to me and mom then kisses mom bye. "Bye love." My mom says to Carina "come on Mac." She tells me

* at the station *

We get to the station I walk upstairs to the beanery "hey little bishops here." I hear Vic say. "Hey everyone." I say as I sit beside vic at the table. "You hungry mija?" Andy asked "no I'm good." I say as I see maya walk in "Mac you need to eat you didn't eat at home." Mom said "mom I'm not hungry I'll eat later." I say knowing I shouldn't have said that cause Vic Andy and mom will try and make me eat something before I go home but I'm just not hungry. I can't help that. "Okay I'm holding you to that." Mom said "us to." Said Vic and travis at the same time. Then  everyone started to agree with them. Great now everyone gonna make me eat.

About an hour later I was in the lounge just watching tv while the team was out on a call Vic was on desk duty. I went down to visit her for a little bit then someone came in so I went back to the lounge and continued to watch tv and tiktok. Then my phone started ringing I answer
Me: hey
Emma: hey how are you
Me: I'm good you?
Emma: I'm good just bored.
Me: so you called me?
Emma: yea it was either this or sleep and I would rather talk to you baby.
Me: oh yea? I don't believe that you like your sleep way to much. (I say as I laugh)
Emma: that's true but I do love talking to you. Also have you ate today?"
Me: mom text you?
Emma: no..not at all..(she said with a smile)
Me: I'm not hungry babe I don't need food
Emma: (I see her smile drop) Mac..you haven't eaten anything in like what almost a month?
Me: no I have ate something..
(She cuts me off )
Emma: with out throwing up after?
Me: that's not fair Em.
Emma: it not healthy Mac
Me: I'm perfectly fine as long as they see me eat something they think I kept it down there's no need to eat if I'm not hungry.
Emma: Mac they will be able to tell sooner or later.
Me: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Emma: baby...(I stop her)
Me: no Em it's okay I'll be fine.
Emma: Mac... ( I stop her again)
Me:Em really I don't understand why you worry so....(she stops me)
Emma: Mac look behind you.
I slowly turn around and see Vic
Me: I gotta go bye love you
And the hang up before she says anything
"How much did you hear?" I asked "enough." She says "Vic please don't tell my moms okay I have it under control." I tell her "come eat then." She says "I told you I'm not hungry." I say "that's not gonna work come on." She says and we walk to the kitchen "but Vic.." she cuts me off "no eat no buts about it eat." She tells me "no I'm not hungry." I say "either you eat or I tell your moms or both." She tells me I just look at her and then the sandwich she made me. I can't I tell myself I can't do it. "Come on." She said and as she said that the door open and the whole team walked in "eat Macy." She said she's never used my name she's always called me little bishop or mini Maya never just Macy she's mad at me "what's going on?" My mom asked "you wanna tell her or me?" Vic asked by the looks on everyone's ones face I could tell they knew Vic was upset or mad about something cause everyone knows she don't just call me Macy. "Mac what's wrong?" My mom asked "um..." I was frozen I felt like I couldn't move and then I felt like running just to get away from here just to get a break for a little bit "mac?" Mom said and I got pulled out of my thoughts and the next thing I knew I ran out of the station just to get away for a little bit not long just to clear my head. I got outside the station and thought to myself she knows she knows I don't eat and if I don't I throw it right back up she's gonna tell moms no no no no. This can't happen I'm gonna get sent away god why do I have to be so dumb. My breathing started to speed up it was getting harder to breathe. What now????

A/N : I don't feel this is the best part I tried hopefully y'all like it.

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