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Maya's POV
When I wake up after I get ready for the day and go to the kitchen. After getting coffee and breakfast I go to Macy's room to wake her up and she's not there no note she just left I swear she'll be the death of me. I go back to the kitchen and sit at the table.

Macy's POV
When I got to Emma's house we went to her room and she got the kit out. "Are you sure about this Mac?" She asked me "I need to know. If I don't find out who my dad is." I tell her " okay here" she says as she hands me the kit.

After i put the test back in to the pack and get it ready to send back so they can do what they do. Now to wait and see who my dad is. "Now we wait." I say "what if he's a bad person Mac maybe that's why Maya didn't want you to know." Emma says "I don't care what Maya thinks." I tell her as we walk downstairs to her kitchen "Mac you should tell her you did a DNA test." She tells me "why she waited till I was 17 to tell me I'm her kid." I say to her "she didn't want me..." I start " Mac maybe she wasn't ready to have a kid." She said cutting me off "no I don't believe that." I tell her " have you even heard the whole story?" She asked me " no and I don't need to she didn't want me." I tell her "you know what I'll see you later Em." I tell her as I start to her front door. "Mac at last talk to her get her story okay." She tells me "yea okay whatever." I say as I open her door. "Love you bye." I say "I love you to Mac." I hear her say when I leave.

On the walk home I start to think back to the day Maya told me I was her kid and not lanes.

I walked back downstairs And walked over to Mayas office door and walked in and hear Maya say " I know. You're right Macy deserves to know."I stop at the door " I need to know what?" I asked " Mac..um..Carina I gotta go." She said " what's going on Maya?" I asked "Mac there's something I gotta tell you." She said " okay what's up?" I asked "Mac sit down....." she tells me "what's going on Maya?" I asked as I sat in the chair in front of her desk. I sat there for a good 10 or so minutes then Maya finally looks at me "Mac there's something think I been needing to tell you for a long time but I was scared you would be upset or mad..." she starts "okay so what's up." I say and wait for her to tell me "Mac so...you aren't lane's......kid..." she tells I just look at her confused "what?" I ask " lanes not your dad and Katherine is not you mom." She tells me " cool nice joke Maya." I say "Macy I'm your mom." She tells "yea okay what you gonna tell me next that my names not Macy?" I asked joking she look at me "bean I'm not playing." She tells me with the look I'm serious bean she use to give when we where little. "Okay..." I say and it goes quite.

End of flashback

I get home and go inside to my room walking past Carina "hi Bella." Carina says as I walked past her. I don't understand how they could have kept this from me for so long even Andy I have known her for the longest why wouldn't she tell me or Vic she is so bad at keeping stuff but I guess I was wrong. All I gotta do is find out this guys name and then I can meet him. I don't care what Maya has to say she's not the boss of me. The kit said it would take at least a week or so just got to wait. I'm ready to know I mean yea I'm glad lanes not my dad but all the times he was mad at me he didn't throw it in my face that I wasn't his kid.

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