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Macy's POV
It was cold and it started to rain. I was just sitting on the park bench when it started to rain so I got up to go find something that had a roof or something that I could sit under until the rain stopped. I walked for about an hour or so the I came up to this little  canopy and sit there for a while. I was freezing cold wet from the rain and just wanted to go home but I can't go back not yet.

Maya's POV
She hadn't answered my text or Carina's I don't know what to do it's be a few hours since she's been gone from the house and it just started raining she doesn't have a jacket. She's gonna get sick where could she be I thought to myself "Maya where else would she go?" Carina asked me " she goes to this park a lot maybe there" I tell Carina "she goes there when she's upset and wants to be alone." I continue on we drove to the park nothing I could see her but it's a big park she's gotta be somewhere I thought.

Macy's POV
The rain has calmed  down so I decided to walk a little bit maybe I could start back up and by the time I get there everyone will be gone. As I'm walking I see a car pull up behind me slowly keeping up with me I go to pick up the pace but the car stay on me just slowly following me it doesn't look like Mayas or Carinas car who could it be not everyone at that party would come looking for me. Not tonight but why would they be driving they where all drinking.

Andy's POV
me and Vic took her car to go help look for Macy knowing as good as I did I knew she would probably be at 1 of 3 places the park being 1 of the 3 places I could thing of Maya had told me she went to the 2nd place but if she wasn't at the park or the track field there was only one more place she could be the station. As me and Vic where driving around the park when see a young girl walking we tried to get a close look to make sure it was her but the girl started to jog. This park is big we are on the back side of it Maya text me and said her and Carina where on the front side.
I told Vic to stop the car I would get out and see who the girl was that way maybe we won't scare whoever this kid was.
I get out and yell out to the girl " HEY KID!" I yell and the girl stops "I have a question." I say the girl didn't move to turn and look at me "are you the only one out here. It's cold and you don't have a Jacket" I say trying to get the girl to come over so I could see her face.

Macy's POV
A person yelled asking me a question I stopped when I heard the voice I knew that voice it was Andy I can't look at her or told to her she'll know it's me. So I took off running again. There's one place I can go I know it's somewhere they could find me easier but I don't care I just need a little bit longer to fix my head. I get to the station thinking no one is here. Which the only people there was B shift so I just sit down outside. I sit with my back up on the wall and slowly started to drift off to sleep. It had been a long night it was almost 6 in the morning I assume because my phone died like an hour ago good for me I thought to myself. One night it wouldn't be so bad would it Maya would find me in the morning. No just sleep and think of something warm.

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