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"Mom Carina there's something I need to tell you..."

Macys POV
Okay you can do it just tell them get it over with. They'll believe you. It's  your mom and her wife. "What is it Mac?" Mom asked "um..o..o..okay..." I stutter a little "so I'm....ready to tell you.. what happened..." I say "okay.." Carina said as I seen her take moms hand. I take a deep breath. "So um....as you know I was with him for 3 weeks. Um...In that 3 weeks I only eat a little bit not a lot..." I said then took another breath " he beat me and um...he...umm..." I stutter "it's okay take your time bean." My mom said "He also let his friends come over...." As I said that I stopped, I couldn't speak. I was back there again

I heard the door come open and Nathan and his friends came in "there she is do whatever with her have fun." Nathan said "thanks man." One of the guys said. Then Nathan walked out. "So what should we do first?" Asked one of them "why don't we show her a good time? Jason"  said the taller man "okay sounds good to me Cade." Said Jason "please just leave me alone." I said weakly "oh it's just a little fun." Said Jason as he put his hand on my cheek.
End of flashback*

I feel a hand on my shoulder "Get off me!" I yell as I came back from the flashback as I look and see it was just my mom my breathing gets faster and I start to shake a little "hey hey it's just me Mac" mom said I move back as far as I can into a corner of the room. I sit and pull my knees to my chest. "Mac it's okay your safe." Mom says  "no no please don't." I say

Mayas POV
"Mac your okay I promise no one is going to hurt you." I say slowly moving forward to her "no stay back I don't like this game anymore!" She yells when that happens I know she's not really here anymore she's back it that place with Nathan. "Bean it's mommy I'm here he can't hurt you anymore." I say as I sit in front of her. "Please no no no Jason stop." She said "honey who's Jason?" I asked her she starts rocking back and forth
"stop...please...it...hurts..." she says.

This went on for about an hour then me and Carina finally got her claimed down. "Mac you okay?" I asked as we got her to bed she didn't say anything not a word. "Bean?" I said still nothing she just sat on her bed looking at the wall. "Mac" still nothing she laid down and curled into a little ball I put the covers over her. "Goodnight bean I love you." I said "goodnight bella. Sleep well." Carina said and I kissed her forehead. Me and Carina walked out of her room.

Macys POV
I am so sleepy what happened how did I get to my room. All I remember was telling them about Nathan. I finally fell asleep.

No ones POV
After being asleep for about an hour Macy started having a nightmare Maya and Carina I went to bed not long after putting Macy to sleep.
Macy had started tossing and turning. Her breathing got faster.

Macys POV
I jumped out of my sleep "NO!!!" I yelled now sitting on my bed trying to slow my breathing. Not even 5 minutes went by and mom and Carina where in my room "mac you okay?" My mom asked "yea..it was just a nightmare.." I say "sorry I woke you." I say "it's okay don't worry." Mom said "you okay tho bella?" Carina asked "yes mama.." I said not really paying attention to what I said they both sat down on my bed and hugged me "I love you mom and mama ." I say "we love you to Bella." Carina said We stay in the hug for a little while "okay we are gonna go back to bed yell if you need us okay bean" mom said "okay mom." I say "goodnight mom and mama." I say I see a smile on Carinas face "what?" I asked "nothing bella." She said and the left the room. Not long after they left I fell back to sleep.

A/N:  What do you think will happen next?
Well Macy start calling Carina mama?
Well Carina and Maya get the rest of the story about Nathan and his friends?
Thank you for all the support

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