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Mayas POV
Standing at the door of the room watching my little sister get away from the world for even a few minutes was good. She had been through so much in her life and she was only 16. I'm glad she's with me now though cause i don't know what I would do. "Hey bean." I say as I walk in the room and sit beside her. "Hey Maya." She said not looking away from the baby once. "He's cute ain't he?" She asked me finally looking at me. "Yea he is." I say "so...bean." I start and get cut off by her "no don't..don't say anything to make this sad." She said as she looked back at the baby. "Bean..listen to me." I say "no Maya." She says "go leave." Macy says "The baby is fine the mom will be fine they will be happy." Macy tell me "Bean listen..you know there was problems at the mom. Macy I'm sorry.." I say " leave." She says not looking at me so I do I leave so she can be alone not wanting to upset her anymore.

Macy's POV
No this can't be the baby was supposed to be happy leave a good life with his mom and dad grow up with love. Not like this not with out a mom. Ugh I hate this for him. "You don't even have a name little guy." I say  this kid is so cute he can't be left alone.

5 minutes later

Carina comes in "hey Macy the social worker is here for the baby." She tells me "no they can't take him he has a family his dad what about him?" I questioned. "Macy I know you don't like this but he has to go." She tells me not long after saying that Maya walked in "bean come on give carina the baby and come with me please." She says "fine. Bye little guy.." I hand the baby to carina and push past her and Maya. I run out to the waiting room and the out of the hospital.

Mayas POV
I go after Macy "Macy wait!" I yell I finally catch up to her and grab her arm "Macy come on what's wrong?" I ask "that's not how it was supposed to go." She said as she tried to pull away from me. "Macy what are you talking about?" I asked "he was supposed to be happy and have a good family with his parents." She says still pulling away. "Macy stop okay what's going I don't understand. Why are you so close to this kid." I say "no one supposed to grow up like that or with a ass of a dad." She says it becomes clear this wasn't all about the baby. "Macy clam down okay talk to me what's going on." "I know this ain't just about the baby." I say she looks at me " our parents where supposed to love us and treat us right Maya, they weren't supposed to be assholes or the woman who just watched from the corner." She tells me " I can't do this anymore Maya. I can't live like this. Why don't they love me?" She says almost in tears "why wasn't I enough Maya?" She asked "bean you are enough they just don't see it." I tell her trying to clam her down. "No I'm not. I'm nothing. Dad said himself. They don't care why do you?" She asked me " because your my sister and no matter what happens that's what you will always be." I tell her. "Why don't they want me Maya?" She asked tears rolling down her face. "I don't know kiddo." I say and god I wish I knew why our parents where like that...

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