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Macy's POV
It's been around 3 weeks since I sent the test back it's supposed to be here today I'm excited but also nervous about it. I changed the address so that I wouldn't have to worry that Emma would tell Maya I mean yea I trust Emma but she also has been acting like it's a good idea to tell Maya that I did a DNA test. Maya would be mad.

I got to the mail and see anything is there and there it was the answer I had been waiting for. Who my dad was I walk back up to the house and put the other mail down on the table the go to open it.

Maya's POV
I walk into the kitchen and see Macy opening something "hey kid how you doing?" I say and walk over to her she jumped a little when I said hey and hid the papers fast "hi....Um..." she said and ran off the her room the most she's said to me in a few weeks. "Okay then" I say to myself.  "Hello bella" Carina says and she puts her arms around me "hey beautiful" I put my arms around her "has Macy talked to you yet?" She asked me "all she said was hi and the ran to her room with papers." I tell her " she will soon but I gotta go I've been paged to the hospital." She says "okay have a good day" I say and she kisses me then leaves. I walk over to Macy door and knock "hey Macy can I come in?" I ask

Macy's POV
I get to my room and look at the paper.
Macy Olivia Bishop
Daughter of  Nathan Evens
I hear a knock on my door "hey Macy can I come in?" I hear Maya ask I don't answer she knocks again "Mac I know you don't wanna talk to me but please let me in." She says "it's open." I say still looking at the paper. She walks in "what's the paper about kid?" She asked me "oh um.....nothing.." I say as I lay it on my desk "okay so I was thinking we could go do something since I have the day off." She tells me "um....sure I guess.." I say " you okay kiddo?" She asked me "yea I'm
Okay." I say "I'm glad we are talking." She tells me "yea.. Maya.." I start "I'm still...mad.. at you." I say " I know and we will work it out okay we can talk I'll tell you what you want." She tells me "then who's my dad? If you wanna talk and your gonna tell me stuff start with that if not then I don't wanna talk okay we can go do stuff or what ever but talking no." I tell her "Macy I told you you don't need to worry about him he's a bad guy." She tells me "I don't care if you think he's a bad guy I wanna know who he is." I tell her "I deserve to know." I tell her "why do you wanna know so bad?" She asked me " because you lied to me my whole life telling me that I was your sister and then one day out of the blue you tell me your my mom." I tell her "Mac.." she starts "no! You didn't want me to be yours. You left me with Lane!!" I tell her "how could you leave me there? How could you think that was a good thing?" I ask her. "Mac I'm sorry okay.. I know that doesn't fix it." She says " no it doesn't fix it." I say and grab the paper off my desk that had who my dad was on it "what's the paper for?" Maya asked me "nothing." I say "is it for school? Like college or something?" She asked me "no it's not." I tell her and walk past her out of my room in to the living room and make my way to the door. Maya followed behind me "Macy where are you going?" She asked "I'm going to Emma's I'll be back." I say as I leave.

When I get to Emma's house I show her the paper and tell her everything that happened "Mac maybe it's time to talk to Maya about it. Tell her you looked him up." She tells me "why it's not like she would care." I tell her "Macy she cares about you." Emma said "how do you know? She left me with Lane of all people. She grew up in that house she should have known how he was. I mean he knew I was his granddaughter and still treated me like I was nothing to him. How is that normal?" I say to her "Macy I don't know but I know Maya loves you." She says "how? How does she love me when she decided to hide my whole life from me?" I asked she moved closer to me and grabbed my hands "Mac who couldn't love you? Your amazing,funny, caring and you work hard to make sure the people you love are happy." She tells me "Mac you are a great person and I know that your upset because maya didn't tell you this but Mac you can't go looking for this guy by yourself it's not safe." She tells me "Em...I...I just need to know.." I say she looked in my eyes "okay we will do it together okay." She tells me. Then we go and get her computer and look up the name Nathan Evens and see what we can find.

It was about 3am when we finally gave up on. We found out he left town the year I was born and that he hasn't been back to town since the night of my birth. We read that he was in jail but it didn't give a reason as to why. After hours of reading pretty much the same stuff over and over again we finally just put her computer up and went to bed I ended up staying the night just cause it was late and I wasn't in the mood for Maya to yell at me. Would rather that for the morning.

A/N :
There's something big coming up soon. Hope y'all in joy this parts a little long

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