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No ones POV
It's been a few days and it is was the day for Macy's race and she had woken up early an got a run in this morning before Maya and carina got up.

Macy's POV
I just got back to the house from my run and carina had made breakfast and Maya and her were eating "hey Macy would you like some?" Carina asked "no not this morning can't eat big race today imma go shower and relax a little bit before tho." I replied with a small smile "hey bean you okay?" Maya asked me I was physically fine mentally not so much but Maya didn't need to know that. "Yea I'm fine" I say as I walk to my room to get ready for a shower.

After my shower I go to the living room and sit on the couch and watch tv then Maya comes over and sits beside me. "Hey" I say "hey bean; how are you feeling about the race today?" Maya asked me " I'm feeling good I feel like imma do good. I have been working really hard to get where I am right now." I say with a smile "so your good? Like really good?" She asked " yes May I'm good I mean come on you'll be there Andy said she's coming same with Vic and Dean also Jack said he was gonna come and Carina to. That's the most people I have had at one of my races in a long time." I say really happy for once in a long time. "I'm glad your happy and I'm gonna be at all your races from now on or at least try to okay." Maya tells me. I smile at her and we continue to watch tv.

Later that day
We just got to the track field and Maya, Carina, Andy,Vic,Dean,and Jack were all sitting at there sits and I seen Travis walking up with Ben and Miranda and there kids. I just smiled at Maya. I was so happy for the first in a long time.

The race was about to start we all got lined up " you ready Macy?" My best friend Emma asked me "yea Em I am." I say. We get ready and the gun goes off and we start I take the lead not long after we start. I'm almost there just a few more steps. I'm running what feels like forever but it's not I pass the finish line I won yes. I turn to look at Maya and all the other people who came to support me today and there where all cheering "Yay bean way to go!!!" I hear Maya yell. I look at the time and I can't believe it I did it I beat the time I jump up all happy as I see I beat Mayas. I turn back to Maya and the others and out the corner of my eye I see him. No it can't be. Why? He's hasn't called or anything. Oh god. I froze I couldn't move. I was scared once again. There was no way that he came. Being froze in my spot I feel a hand on my shoulder I jumped and turned around and look at the blonde hair girl beside me "your okay your safe." Maya tells me  I feel better knowing she was there beside me. "Why is he here?" I asked in a whisper. He came walking over to us oh god I just wanted to run away and never come back.
"You did you beat her time." He said reaching out to give me a hug I moved back "that's no way to be when you haven't seen me in weeks" he says stepping closer and Maya puts herself in between us "why did you come?" She asked him "to see my daughter win" I reply's "even though she only won by a hair." He said looking at me I look down not wanting to look him in the eyes. "She hasn't been training right and she's gained weight. Your way to much." He says " you don't need all that food." He continues "shut up." I say at a whisper "what?" He asked "Shut up!" I say again a little louder he steps closer again and Dean,Jack and Travis step beside Maya. "Your lucky there here Macy!" He says "But they won't always be around!" He says as he backs away and leaves.

A/N: what do you think will happen next? If y'all have any ideas of what y'all wanna see let me know. Hope y'all like it

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