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Mayas POV
The voice I heard sounded so familiar to me who was it?..
we got to the other side of the rubble and I seen the  silhouettes of two people one on the ground and the other kneeling beside the other. "HELP! Please?" The one on there knee said. As I got closer I seen a blonde hair girl and a brunette girl. All I could think it was Macy please don't be Macy I thought to myself. "Maya oh thank god." The girl said as I got close enough to see who it was. It was Emma Macy's best friend "Emma is that you?" I asked "yes" she says as she starts coughing "come on. Andy get her out of here." I said "Maya...it's..M...macy I'm so so sorry." Emma said coughing a few times. " I got her Emma go with Andy okay." I tel her Andy tells her to the aid car. Me, Jack, and Dean are trying to get the ceiling off of Macy.

Macy's POV
It hurts all over god. What's going on. "E..Em..?" I say in a low voice. I see 3 people standing over me "Macy it's okay. I got you." Someone says I can't tell who as my eyes close.

Mayas POV
"Macy's stay awake please." I say and her eyes close again. We get her out of the building and was on the way to the aid car Emma came running up to us getting loose from Andy's hands "Maya is she okay?" She asked as she got to the gurnee "Emma you need to go back to Andy they need to get her to the hospital." I said as we get her in the aid car and leave for the hospital.

We get to the hospital and got her in to the Er in room 1 they were working hard to keep her stable I was pacing back and forth when someone walks up and grabs my hand. " Bella what happened?" Carina asked me " she got hurt. She was stuck in a burning building." I tell her I just needed her to be okay I can't lose her not now.

Not even 5 minutes  later Andy comes in with Emma and Emma runs over to me " Maya!" She yells "where is she?" She asked me. " she's in surgery." I tell her "she'll be out in a few." I tell her.

About an hour later we are sitting in Macy's room waiting on her to wake up at see how she's down. I'm glad she's okay I hate this is how I had to find her but at least she's safe now. Emma was holding Macy's hand about to fall asleep waiting on her to wake up. The doctor said it would probably be about an hour or more before she woke up. Not it was a waiting game.

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