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Macy's POV
"So Macy answer the question." Maya said "I ate...last...night" I lie hoping Maya won't know god please don't catch on to the lie. "What time yesterday did you eat?" Hayes asked me. "Umm...about 6..or 6:30 sir." Another lie shes gonna know that's a lie oh god. I look down at the foot of the bed. "Okay thank you." Hayes says as he leaves and the door closed. Maya looked at me I could feel her eyes on me oh no she knew that I was lying. "Bean? You lied why?" Maya said "cause I...um.." I start but she cuts me off "stop lying okay when was the last time your ate? And what happened to make you pass out?" Maya asked me. "At your house...and I...I...I don't know.." looking down. "I'm sorry Maya he's just so hard on me." I tell her "where is he?" I asked "not here but he brought you here." She said " you where on a call tho when we came past y'all where leaving the station." I say " bean it's 10:30pm." Maya said. Man she hasn't called me bean this much in a while normally she says kid or kiddo now. She use to call me bean a lot when I was little she said that it was because when I was a baby I looked like a bean. "Your calling me bean again?" I ask "yea is there a problem with it?" She asked "no not at all I like it better then kid." I say with a weak smile. She puts her hand on my cheek "I love you bean." She says "I love you to May."I tell her.

No ones POV
It's been a week and Macy has been staying with Maya and carina no word from there dad.

Maya's POV
Macy has been staying with me for about a week now she has a track meet in about 3 days and she has been training for it like crazy. I have to make her eat most days mainly when it gets closer to a meet but other then that shes been doing good with eating at least lunch and dinner. I walk outside of the station "Bean! Come on time for lunch kid!" I yell so she hears me " coming!" She yells back "she's been training like you would hasn't she?" Andy said as she walks up beside me "yea she is. She hasn't stop for the past week as soon as the doctor said she could run she did." I tell Andy. "She's just like you in a lot of ways Maya." Andy tells me "Yea it scares me sometimes. But she seems happy now that's all I care." I say. There is no doubt that Macy and I are sisters just looking at us you could tell she has blonde hair and blue eyes; she looks like I did when I was her age "so what's for lunch?" Macy comes walking up asking me.

A/N: will Macy get to be happy or will her dad come in a pull her back to the old ways?

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