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Mayas POV
It's been about 3 hours and Emma was still sitting beside Macy holding her hand she had fell asleep not to long ago. I got up and went to get some coffee. I walked out the room and the whole team was sitting in the waiting room Vic, Travis and  Jack was asleep. Andy got up and walked over to me. "Hey Maya how's she doing?" Andy asked "she's still asleep. We are just waiting on her to wake up." I say "why are you all here?" I asked looking at everyone "because one of our teammates are hurt." Dean got up and said as he walked over to me.  We head a beeping coming from Macy's room "Help someone help!" I heard Emma yell. We all run in and Carina came and grabs me as Andy grabs Emma they try to get Macy's heart rate down and stable the doctors rush her out of the room to the OR I didn't know why she had to go back I didn't care right now I just needed her to be okay I feel tears roll down my cheeks. Emma is trying her hardest to get out of Andy's grip. She falls to the ground crying. I looked at Carina " I need to call Emma's parents." I said taking my phone out to call them.

I got off the phone and walked back to Emma who was sitting with Andy and the others who were all up now. I sat next to Emma "Em your parents will be here soon okay." I said she looked up at me " I can't leave Macy she'll be upset and I don't want her to be upset." Emma says her eyes still red and puffy from crying, she smelled like smoke "Emma you can come back tomorrow and see her but you need rest and to get cleaned up." I tell her as we  see her parents walk in. " I'll keep you updated Emma okay and I'll text you when she get out of surgery." I tell her as she hugs me before she leaves.

Macy was out of surgery now and hadn't woke up yet I was sitting next to her Andy on the other side and Vic at the foot of the bed. Jack was on the side with Andy and Dean and Travis where in the waiting room they didn't wanna have to many people in the room at once. Ben had come to check and see how she was doing but had to go back home to be with his kids. Everyone was asleep and I was slowly drifting to sleep.

Macy's POV
Nothing hurts right now I can't feel anything. Am I dead? Did I die? Oh god Emma I thought if I'm dead what happened to her? I slowly opened my eyes to see Maya asleep beside me her hand in mine and her head on the bed beside me looked like she was hugging my arm. I moved my eyes to see Vic at the end of my bed then moved to the other side of the room to see Andy and Jack also sleeping Andy's head was on Jack shoulder. I looked around for Emma but didn't see her oh no where is she? I slowly start moving my arms forgetting Maya was on my right arm. At the smallest of movement Maya woke up she sat up quietly "Bean?" She said is a kinda loud voice. "Hey.." I said in a whisper it hurt to talk it was uncomfortable to talk right now. "Oh my bean your okay." She said kinda loud again.  She carefully hugs me. At this point Vic, Andy, and Jack had all woke up. "W....w..where's...E...Em..?" I asked in a low voice. Maya couldn't hear me very well. "What?" Maya asked "do you know sign language?" Jack asked I shook my head yes "okay sign what you wanna say and I'll tell her." He said. So I sign what I had just said. "Where's Em?"
Jack told Maya that's what I asked. "She at home she okay" Maya said

It's been about 20 minutes since I had woke up I started getting sleepy again I guess it's cause the medicine they where giving me though the IV i don't know I just know I was sleepy.

Mayas POV
I could tell Macy was getting sleepy so I took her hand and looked at her " it's okay rest bean I'll be here when you wake up." I tell her and with in seconds she was back sleep again.

A/N: Yall I hope you like it. I'm so thankful it has done as good as it has.

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