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No ones POV
Everyone was silent there only the sound of the monitors for at least 20 minutes all they heard was the flatline sound.

Amelia POV
I know I need to call it time of death right but I didn't believe it. This shouldn't have happened. But I didn't want to believe it this isn't happening I told Maya and Carina she would be fine.

*the day before*
Macys POV
I have finally did my essay I had to rewrite it to make it sound good. But I finish it I put my laptop to the side and look around the room mom was asleep mama hadn't made it back yet. So I just sat there thinking what would happen if I did die tomorrow what would happen to mom or mama? What would happen to Emma? I have always been told that when you die the people you love lose a part of them but I don't want that to happen. They shouldn't have to lose part of them because of me.

* present time *

Mayas POV
I'm sitting in Macys room waiting to hear from Dr.Shepherd or anyone at this point it's been about 2 1/2 hours I can't take it. I can't lose her. I get up and start walking around the room when I see Macys laptop open and it lights up so I go over to it and look at what was pulled up on it. It was a paper or something with the title my life.
                           MY LIFE
My name is Macy Bishop I run track is what I would have told you about a year ago. That's all I was known for was running. Yea I had a lot of friends I guess but they where on the track team and I wasn't able to hang out with them unless we where at a track meet or practice. You asked me to talk about my family and my home well here it is I'm 17 years old and just found out that my life before was a lie I wasn't the sister of an Olympic gold medalist I was the daughter or one and her name is Maya Bishop the fastest girl the track team had ever seen. Now she's a firefighter to top that she's the captain of the station. If you asked me a year ago to tell you the story of my family I would have said I have a sister that's a firefighter and a painter for a brother and my parents where great but that wasn't all true. But now I am able to tell the truth about my story. Growing up I didn't have a choice to do what I love I didn't have a choice in what sport I played because all my grandfather cared about was winning the race. He wanted the metals it didn't matter to him if I got hurt or not he didn't care. When I turned 16 I got hurt running. After that I stayed with Lane for about month or so until I moved in with my mom maya. Ever since then I have been with her yes it's been crazy and there has been some ups and downs.
I went  from having an abusive grandfather and a grandmother that was to scared to do anything to having two amazing moms. They have been there for me when ever I needed it and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I found my home with my mom and her wife. I found my family with them and the doctors and the team at the station. So if I die because of this tumor don't be sad or upset don't cry because I ended up with the best life with my mom who did what she could to make sure I was happy so that you to her. Also I want everyone to know I'll be okay if it's my time. I love you mom and mama. To Emma who stood by me the whole time I love you and if I die just know I love you and still love you but I want you to find someone else be happy. I'm getting tired and I have surgery tomorrow so good night and I love you all for what might be the last time. And that sums up my story I'm Macy Bishop A.K.A little Bishop. But that's not all of it.

After reading that I had tears in my eyes. She can't die.

Amelia POV
I hear a *beep* come from the heart monitor  I look up it it goes again *beep* it becomes steady I look to Maggie in shock everyone claps. She's back.... Thank goodness. When close up and take her to the ICU. Know we wait for her to wake up if she does. I got and inform Maya and Carina so they can go see her. I tell them that it's a waiting game now.....

A/N: that's the end of this one. What now?
Will Macy be okay?
Come find out when
LITTLE BISHOP: THE AFTER MATH comes out May 31st 2022.

Thank you so much for the support and the commitment hope you guys liked it. Love you guys

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