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Macy's POV
Everyone was here and I just wanted to leave I didn't wanna be here I told Maya not to do anything and she invites people to a party ugh. "Maya what..?" I go to say getting cut off by Maya "hey bean happy birthday kiddo time to party." She said and everyone was making themselves comfortable. Joey looked and me then at the ground. Emma walked over to me " hey Mac how you doing?" She asked me "I'm okay....I'll be back." I say as a walk to my room closing the door and locking it trying to keep calm. I hear a knock on my door "go away." I say "Bean can I please come in." Maya said I think about for a little while. She knocks again. "Bean?" She asked I go and open the door when she walks in I shut the door back. "You okay bean?" Maya asked me I went and sat on my bed and she sat beside me and put her hand on my shoulder "Mac I can tell them all to leave I just wanted to make your birthday a good one your 17 today bean." She tells me " look I know your trying to make it good but Maya I told you I didn't want anything like this. I didn't want people here I was fine with it being just me, you, and Carina that's all I wanted." I tell her she looks at me with that look she's always looked at me with since I was little the one that says 'just cause dad was an ass don't mean I'm gonna be one' "okay I'm sorry but Mac you know these people love you no matter what." She says "yea I know that but may you invited both Emma and Joey... I haven't talked to Joey since new year's and me and Emma are working on things. I don't want things to be weird." I tell her. "How about this we hang out for a little bit then I'll tell everyone to go home and me you and Carina can play games or do whatever you want for the rest of the night. how's that sound?" She says and I look at her then to the floor "only an hour tops." I say. She nods and we get up and go back to the living room. After about an hour and a half Maya does as she said she would telling everyone it's time to go home and the me her and Carina played some games and just hung out. After that I told them good night and went up to my room. I was laying on my bed when someone knocks "come in" I say looking up from my phone to see who it is. Maya walked in "hey can we talk?" She asked as she walked in "sure" I said as I sat up in my bed leaning on the head bored. "What's up?" I say as she comes and sits at the end on my bed. "Can I ask you something?" She asked "sure what you wanna ask." I say "Um..why didn't you want a party tonight?" Say asked me  I looked at her the looked at my hands "you don't know?" I asked her " no kiddo I don't." She tells me "do you remember my  13th birthday?" I asked her "yea a little not a lot. I remember I came home late that night and I missed your party  I was upset I didn't make it in time." She told me "yea well you didn't miss much." I tell her " Mac you where asleep when I got there." She tells me " I know but you only missed seeing me." I tell her " what do you mean." She asks "I mean I didn't have a party." I told her and she looked at me dumbfounded "that's not true mom and dad told me you where super sleepy because of all the fun you had." She tells me and I look at her confused "if by fun you mean dad making me run 10 miles and then do work outs and other things then sure I had fun." I said sarcastically " no that can't be right they said you had friends over and everything." She said confused. "May I didn't have friends over I didn't have a party I didn't even get told happy birthday but by you. I came in 2nd at the meet the day before." I start to tell her that I didn't have a party. She looked at me like she couldn't believe she believed her parents back then. "That wasn't the first time it happened Maya after that my birthday just became just a another day to mom and dad the only one who ever cared about it was you may. I don't care to have a party or anything just hanging out with you would have been just fine with me." I tell her "I'm sorry I believed mom and dad back then Mac." She tells me "it's okay." I tell her " okay I'm going to bed goodnight bean." She says getting up to leave my room "good night May" I say.
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