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Macy's POV
We went to the station after the race and hung out talked and laughed. After we talked we went back home I have been staying with Maya and carina instead  of going to my dads. After what happened at the meet today I don't think I'll be going back there unless it's to get my stuff. We all sat on the couch and watched movie and laughed for the longest time. I started feeling my pockets for my phone, then looked in my room and came back and asked Maya  if she had seen it .After about 15 or so minutes I told Maya I thought it might be in the car. I want down to her car and got my phone. I was walking back to the house it was dark so I couldn't see that well. I heard a gun go off I looked around to see if I could see anything and it went off again and then I fell....

Mayas POV
It's been a few minutes since Macy's went to get her phone out  of the car I started to get worried because of the whole situation with my dad and I didn't understand why he was being so hard on her. He was different with her and I can't understand that. Yes he was hard on me and Mason also but this was different. I guess it was because mom wasn't home a lot and it was just them but maybe it was because Macy was so much like me I mean as far as I know she is me just younger. But that doesn't give him the right to be such an ass to her.

It's been about 10 minutes since Macy went to my car. I started to freak out "calm down Maya." Carina said "she is probably on the phone" she tells me. "Your right." I say trying to think positively about it then I hear a gun shot me and Carina share a look and born run out the door. "Macy!!" I yell as we get out the door I see Macy fall to the ground. I run over to her "Macy are you okay?" I asked "Maya? I'm fine." She says "I'm okay it didn't hit me." She tells me I see the car that the shot come from. I didn't know that car. We get inside and Macy goes to her room. I sit on the couch with my head in my hands " Bella she's okay" carina says " I know I just.. it scared me; my dad just said we wouldn't always be around that's true we won't what happens if she's here by herself and something happens? Or what if she's at school and something happens?" I say looking up at her. "We will do are best to keep her safe bella okay." She tells me " I just can't help but to think he's gonna hurt her and I won't be there to help her." I say "carina he's so much worse with her. Worse then he was with me." I say Carina just sat beside me and held me.

Macy's POV
She was so worried that I had got hurt. That's all Maya worries about any more. I have to go. I have to leave. I can't stay here anymore. All I'm doing is hurting them making them worry about me getting hurt. I start packing a bag for me I go stay with Mason for a while. He won't find  me there  I can leave when they go to sleep. I went to talk to Maya and Carina a little bit before bed.

About 20 minutes later we all said good night and went to our rooms. This is my chance. I leave a note for them and leave. They will be better off with out me.

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