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Time jump to Monday morning

Macys POV
It's Monday which means school time I have been awake for about an hour and I hear a knock on my door. "Morning Mac time to get up kid." My mom says as she opens the door. I look at her as she walks in the room "mom I don't wanna go." I tell her as she comes to sit on my bed "I know kiddo but you got to go to school." She tells me. I roll over to face the wall "but what happens if he comes to my school?" I ask "Mac you have been here with me or Carina for a month and he hasn't come here." She tells me "yea but maybe he's waiting for the time I'm not with you or Carina." I tell her " Mac i won't let him take you again okay you are safe I promise." She tells me  I roll back over to face her "you can't promise that." I say  "okay look your right Mac I can't promise you that but I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe okay and so will Carina." She tells me " so get up and get ready for school okay I'm dropping you off today and I'll be picking you up." She says then she kisses my head and gets up to leave the room.

After mom leaves the room I get up get changed into a hoodie and some sweatpants put my hair into a ponytail and grab my bag and walked to the kitchen "morning Bella." Carina says "morning." I say I'm not much of a morning person. I eat some cereal and then me and mom leave.

When we get to the school Emma is waiting outside for me to walk in with me so mom can go to work and don't have to come in. "Bye kiddo I love you call me if you need anything." She said as I got out of the car "okay I will and I love you to." I say and shut the door then walk over to Emma.

"You ready?" Em asked "as ready as I can be." I say with that we walk into school. I was so not ready for this.

At lunch I sat with Emma, Joey and Tuck. After the whole kiss on new year's it was weird but now Emma and Joey are like best friends or something. I didn't eat a lot of my food which Emma told me I should eat a little more but I didn't. I wasn't hungry at all. I couldn't focus in my classes before lunch which didn't matter I guess cause I was making A's in those classes but the ones after lunch I wasn't doing so well in. But thankfully I have Emma in there so maybe she can help me focus. "Macy hello." Joey says waving his hand in my face pulling me of out my thoughts "huh.... Um yea?" I said "you okay?" He asked " yea I'm good just really wanna go home." I said then non other then the bitch herself walked up with her group I swear Kennedy, Skylar, and Payton I can't stand them "well look who's back if it isn't Macy Bishop." Kennedy said "what do you want?" I asked "just wanted to say hi how you doing." She said "I don't believe that." I said "you never talk to me and when you do it's to make fun of me or my friends so what do you want." I say  "oh nothing just watch your back." She says and they all walk off.

After lunch I have two more classes then it's home free. Me and Emma walk to the next class "you okay Mac?" She asked me "yea I'm good." I tell her  we stop outside of our next class she grabs my hands "look Mac if you need to leave just let me know and we will walk out together okay." She tells me "okay." I say " I love you Mac" she say " I love you to Em." I said and we walked into class.

There was only a few more minutes in this class then my last one I have almost made it through the day with out having to call mom or Carina. The bell rings and we go to the next class and of course Kennedy and her group is in that class. We get in class me and Emma are sitting together when the teacher comes in "hello everyone help me welcome back Macy good to have you back kid." Mr. Johnson said "thank you sir." I say  "yea it's so good to have you back Macy." Kennedy said in a sarcastic way  "I don't understand why you where out for so long." She says "you just wanted the attention didn't you?" She asked "leave her alone Kennedy." Emma said "oh you gotta have your girlfriend fight your battles?" She says and her and everyone else started laughing. "No she doesn't but you also don't have to be an ass" Emma said "Emma that language isn't used here." Mr. Johnson said "sorry." She said I put my head down to try and not listen I just wanted to disappear. "I don't think she was kidnapped any way." Kennedy said. That was it I got up walked over to her and slapped her across the face. She grabbed her face and stood up "you bitch." She said then hit me in the face. We were throwing hits back and forth till the teacher pulled us apart "Miss.Bishop and Miss.Rogers principals office now." Mr.Johnson said and we both walked out of the class and to the principals office alone with Emma and another student. When we got there the principal called Kennedy in first. " Mac why did you hit her?" Emma asked me "idk I just kinda...um snapped.. I guess." I tell her as she wipes my lip with a rag to stop the blood.

About 30 minutes after talking to the principal he decided  to give us each a 2 day suspension. When I walked of the principals office I seen my mom standing at the desk and  looked disappointed. She walks over to me "what where you thinking Mac?" She asked me I just looked at the floor "okay come on." She said. We walked to her car "I have to stop by the station then we are going home and we are gonna talk about this okay." She said I just nodded my head.

We went by the station and then we got home I started to walk to my room "not so fast kiddo." Mom said "come on. To the living room." She said "mom I really don't wanna talk right now." I tell her "I don't care. Your gonna tell me why you got in a fight." She said I sighed and followed her to the living room and we both sat down. "Okay explanation." She said "i don't know." I told her "you don't know why you got in a fight?" She asked "no I don't." I say "come on bean I don't believe that. You don't get in fights and not know why." She said "she called me a liar." I said " so you hit her." She asked "no but.." I say and stop myself I have yet to tell her or Carina anything that had happened with Nathan and I wasn't ready to tell them. But I knew they would start asking soon I mean I have been home for a month almost two so I guess it's about time right? "But what Mac?" Mom asked me "nothing...look I understand if your mad send me to my room or something I get it." I say "go do your homework well talk later when Carina gets home." She tells me and I go to my room.

A/N: sorry it's so long and was a little bit of a wait.
Should Macy tell Maya and Carina together or just one?

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