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Macy's POV
It's been 3 weeks  since this guy took me. I guess Emma was right. I just wish I could see her talk to her something. She's probably mad at me still. Her, Maya, and Carina are probably all mad at me. How could I have been so stupid. I hear the door open "well looks who's awake." Says Nathan "why am I still here?" I asked him "one because I need you here two I want to get to know my daughter." He tells me "there's better ways to do this." I say "like you could have stayed when I was born or came back when I was little." I continue "I couldn't do that" he tells me "why?" I asked "I wasn't ready to be a dad kid. I was still a kid myself." He said "so what you get my mom pregnant and then run?" I asked. "No that's not what happened." He tells me "then what happened?!" I asked "long story." He says and starts to leave. "I have time I mean you want let me leave so." I said he didn't say anything he just kept walking. Why did he need me here it not like he wanted me when I was little. Why does he care now? I thought to myself.

Later that day he came back with a little bit of food. I haven't had a lot of food since I got here. I mean 3 weeks with no food just water is okay cause you can live off water for a while. "Here." He said putting the food in front of me "eat." He said a walked away  I ate what was there.

Mayas POV
Its been 3 weeks since I have heard from
Macy or even seen her. We have the police  looking and the station keeps there eyes open for her. I have been a mess this whole time I don't know where she could be if Nathan has her there no telling what he's going to do.

Macy's POV
I'm ready to go home I don't like being locked in a room for weeks at a time. It don't make it any better that this is a tiny room. Nathan leave everyday at the same time maybe I can find a way out.

*The next day*

"Macy please tell me about you."  Nathan says "why should I?" I asked "come on cant a dad try and get to know his daughter" He said  I don't say a word " oh come on Macy." He said still nothing  he walked closer to me and gets in my face "why aren't you saying anything?" He asked  I stayed quiet  he grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to him " come on kid I just want to get to know you!!" He Yelled at me  "there's nothing to tell you." I finally say something "gah kiddo that got to be something." He said and I went back to being quiet. Then her pushed me to the ground "ugh kid!!!" He yelled "this is why I left!! I swear your just like her!!" He yelled "What did she tell you about me!?" He asked I didn't say a word "oh come on kiddo you where all talk yesterday!" He said grabbing me again pulling from the floor. "Ow" I said "that didn't hurt." He said as his grip got tighter on my arms "your hurting me." I say "stop whining." He tells me "I'm not whining it really hurts." I said as I feel tears start to come to my eyes I tried my hardest not to let a tear fall. I just stare at him. He pushes me back to the ground. "I'll be back." He leaves. I lay on the floor and see bruises start to form on my arms from where he grabbed me.  While he was gone I made sure to make it where the door wouldn't shut all the way when he leaves the house.

About 2 hours later he comes back. I this point I'm in the corner of the room and I have my knees to my chest "I'm back." He said and sat on the bed that was there. He sat there for a while still trying to get me to talk about myself to him. But I stayed quiet. He ended up hitting me across my face which made my lip bleed a little bit.

After about an hour of him in here he ended up leaving again I waited about 30 minutes to make sure he was gone for sure. Then went to the door; pulled it off and the walked out of this small room to the living room. I looked around to make sure no one was home. I was there by myself. I make my way to the front and then I hear the back door open crap "come on I'll let you meet her." I hear a guy's voice "you sure she'll like me?" I hear a woman say. I pull the door open as they walk around the corner "what the-?!" Nathan yells and starts to the door. I run out the door and keep running not looking back "MACY!!!!" I hear him yell "COME BACK!!!" I hear him again I just kept running and didn't stop till I couldn't hear him anymore. I don't know where I was but I was going somewhere anywhere away from him. So I just kept going and going and going. I couldn't hear him but I kept running. I had to get home to Maya and Carina. So I pushed myself to go.

Hope y'all like it let me know what you think.
What's gonna happen next?

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