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No ones POV
It was New Year's Eve the girls where gonna have a get together not to many people just some of the team at the station and some of the doctors at the hospital.

Macy's POV
We are getting ready for a party I texted Emma still nothing clearly this was her way of pushing me  away but I guess that what happens when you family is against us being together oh well there's always other people out there. I was sitting in my room when I hear a knock on my door "come in" I say Maya walks in "hey bean how you doing?" She asked me "I'm okay I guess why what's up." I said as I put my phone down. She comes and sits down on my bed "Macy you sure Emma can't come today?" Maya says "no she can't..." I say looking away from Maya. "Why not I thought y'all were a thing" she says "so did I may I guess I was stupid and didn't see it coming when she stopped answering my calls and text. Plus her mom said to stay away so there's that." I tell her picking my phone up to look at the time. "Can't it just be 12:00 yet." I say " you know there more fish in the sea right." She tell me and I look at her "yea I know it just..hurts...I liked her." I say "like really liked her Maya." I say "she's been for me for the longest and I thought that it would have been different I guess." I continue " you'll find someone worth it and when you do they will put you first in everything." She tells me "like you and Carina?" I asked her "yea like me and Carina." She tells me .


Still Macy's POV
People showed up about 7:30 or so and now all of the station was here and Bens wife and kids and Meredith and her kids and some other doctors where there as well I hung out with Tuck and Joey we where all laughing and having fun.


As it kept getting closer and closer to time for the ball to drop and people started drinking a lot more I started slipping into the kitchen to get drinks for myself.


It was on hour from midnight and I had already had a few drinks still talking to Tuck and Joey. Joey knew I had been drinking some but Tuck he didn't catch on to it Joey was sitting on my right with Tuck on my lift and Tuck was talking non stop about so school thing that I had no clue about and Joey seem not to care about. I looked at Joey "I'll be back." I tell him and get up trying not to fall over and go to the kitchen to get another drink. You would think with all the doctors and firefighters in the house that they would notice a drink teen when they seen one but I guess me being Mayas sister they didn't care they knew I wasn't going anywhere.


After getting another drink I walk outside to look at the sky and try to just stay happy as I could be hanging out with everyone was fun but it was my first news with out my best friend no matter what happened we always made it happen to see each other at midnight on new year's. I sit on the bench out of Mayas house looking at the stars when I hear the door " hey you okay" Joey asked me "yea I'm..good you?" I say "yea" he sits beside me "no one special for you tonight?" He asked "I was hoping that maybe they would show up but I guess they won't be so I guess not.." I say.

Only a few minutes lift  me and Joey stand up and make it inside to watch the ball drop
Everyone yells and start kissing I look at Joey and maybe it was cause I had been drinking but I needed someone I didn't care who I grabbed his arm and pulled him in and we kissed little did I know she saw it all. She had just walked in and me and Joey where kissing.

A/N: happy new year everyone hope this year treats y'all good and hope y'all like the story

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