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Macys POV
My eyes slowly open to see white walls and bright lights I feel someone holding both my hands.

*An hour before*

Mayas POV
After Macy passed out me and Carina rushed her to the hospital. She's probably just dehydrated also with her not eating like she needs to could have something to do with it but I'm not sure.  We get to the hospital and Carina gets her friend Dr.Bailey and the peds Dr.Hayes they ran some test to see what's wrong. As I sit in the waiting room for them to be done Carina is back there with them making sure it gets done right.

Carina POV
We have ran at least 5 test since we have been her "Dr.Hayes what's with all the unnecessary test?" I question "just want to be sure." He says "sure of what?" I asked "I'll tell you when we tell Maya I think it's time for you to go see her." He tells me "Dr.Bailey?" I look at her "Carina we got her go see Maya."  She tells me  I nod and walk to the waiting room with Maya.

Mayas POV
I see Carina and stand up "so what's going on?" I asked "I don't know yet." She tells me "what do you mean?" "Dr.Hayes wants to tell us together." She tells me "so it's bad?" I say.

* present time*

Macys POV
I look to my right and see mom and mama the look to my lift and see Andy and Vic. "Mom..?" I say "hey Mac." Mom says "hi Bella how do you feel?" Mama asked me "my head hurts a little bit" i say "what happened?" I asked " you passed out kiddo but your okay now." Mom tells me "hey kid." I hear Andy say "hey Mini Maya." Said Vic "hey what are y'all doing here?" I asked "to see you." Andy said  while Vic just looked at my moms "oh okay." I say something feels off but I don't know why. I mean yea I passed out but why would Andy and Vic know? I look over at my moms face and it looked like she had been crying. So does mama. What happened I know they wouldn't but crying if I had just passed out so why? I was pulled from my thoughts when there was a knock on the door and Dr.Bailey walked in "how are you feeling Macy?" Bailey asked "I'm okay my head hurts a little but I'm okay." I tell her "when can I go home?" I asked "you haven't told her?" Bailey asked "she just woke up." My mom said "tell me what?" I asked  "can we have the room?" My mom asked Vic Andy and Dr.Bailey leaves mama holds moms hand. They look at each other. "Mac.." mom starts with tear forming in her eyes "mom what's going on?" I asked "Macy do you remember anything from before you passed out?" Mom asked "yea y'all told me to go eat something but I wasn't hungry." I say "okay so..."

* an hour before*
Mayas POV
Me and Carina are sitting in Macys room waiting for the Doctors to come tell us what's going on. Dr.Bailey walks in "so Maya Carina we ran some test and had Dr.Shepherd to look at a few of them just to be sure on what we think it was." Dr. Bailey said "what did Amelia say?" Carina asked "she said there as a place on her brain that could cause her to pass out every once in a while also with the fact of her not eating like she needs to could also go in to it." Dr.Bailey says "so what's that mean." I asked at the time Amelia walked in "I'll explain everything shortly."

*present time*

Macys POV
"Okay so.." my mom said "the doctors ran some test when we got here because you just passed out. Out of nowhere's so they where giving you the best care they could...they are going to give you an head CT to check everything thing out but..they think you..." she takes a deep breath when she does that I start to feel lightheaded again "mom." I say my breathing starts speeding up everything goes black..

Maya POV
"Mac?" I say as I jump up from my sit "Carina it's happening again." I say going to grab Macy I feel Carina grab me "Bella let me go get Bailey and Amelia now." She tells me I run to the door "HELP BAILEY AMELIA!" I yell the turn back to see Macy in Carinas arms having a seizure. I feel tear coming down my face. I know that we can't really do anything but wait for it to pass but I can't help but want to do something anything. I cant just watch this happen.

It's been about a minute it has finally stopped. She is now up talking like nothing happened she told us her head was hurting a little so Bailey gave her something for it. After that it was just me and her in the room. "Mom" I hear Macy say "yes mac." I say "what's wrong with me?" She asked me "mac nothing is wrong with you. There just something up here." I point to her head "that's giving you a hard time okay. And we are going to find out what okay." I tell her "okay." She says "get some rest bean." I tell her she looked so tired after all that I would be I can't blame her "okay" she says "I love you mommy." She says in a really sleepy voice "goodnight baby I love you to." I say as I kiss her head and watch her fall asleep. I just hope we find out what's going on soon. I can't lose her...

A/N: hope you guys like
What do you think is wrong with Macy?
Is it more then just epilepsy?

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