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Macy's POV
It's been 2 weeks since I found out who my dad is and now I just got to meet him. Which I got to find a way to do that with out Maya or Carina finding out. If they find out Maya will try to stop me and Carina is gonna try and help her stop me. So tonight they both have to work and I have refused to go to the hospital or station because one I'm 17 and two I'm still mad at Maya so I'm gonna be home alone and Emma's gonna be here to help me. I already messaged him though the website for the DNA test. It's been about a week since I sent the message. Waiting on a response is killing me.

Around lunch time Emma came over  we ate and then went to check to see if he messaged back. We got to my room and opened the computer and there it was. The message I was waiting on
"Hello Macy this is Nathan I just got this. Can we meet up sometime I would like to get to know you."  I read the message out loud for Emma to hear "he wants to meet me." I tell her "  love maybe it's a scam or something else." She says " look if you don't want to be apart of this why did you help in the first place?" I asked her "because I love you and I was trying to help you." She tells me "Em this whole time you keep telling me it's not a good idea or that I should tell Maya. I don't understand why you think this is such a bad thing." I told her " because Mac; Maya told you he was a bad guy. Look if Maya thinks he's a bad guy the why would you think it was a good idea to meet him?" She says " because she didn't tell me about him or anything about being her kids Em." I tell her "Mac I love you but I can't help you with this anymore I don't have a good feeling about this." She tells me " I love you to Em...and if you feel that way okay...I'm sorry but I have to meet him." I said "I'll see you tomorrow Mac love you." She says kissing my cheek before she walked out of my room. "Wait Em!" I said as I followed her out of my room and to the front door "Em please don't leave like this." I say "Mac I'm not gonna wait until that guy messages you again to tell you a place to meet and wait for something bad to happen like it did when we went looking for your brother...or should I say uncle." She says opening the door I grabbed her hand "Emma..nothing is going to happen." I tell her " you don't know that....bye Macy."she said pulling her hand away and leaving. Dang it.

The next day I get a message saying to meet Nathan at the park close to the hospital and we could talk and be would tell me what ever I wanted to know. So around 3pm I told Maya that I was going to the park with Emma and I left. I made it to the park and sat on one of the benches and waited for Nathan to show up. About 30 minutes or so a tall man with black hair and green eyes  was walking up he got closer and closer was this him? Was this Nathan? I thought to myself. "Hi.." I say "hey how are you?" The tall man asked "I'm okay waiting for someone." I tell him "me to who you waiting on?" The guy asked "a guy name Nathan." I tell the man. I know might not be the best thing to do tell this guy who I waiting on oh well. "Nathan what?" He asked "Evens." I tell him "huh that funny I'm here to meet a girl." He tells me "what's her name?" I asked "Macy...Bishop." He said "tie him....?" I said "your N....Nat..Nathan.?" I asked " yes i am you must be Macy Bishop then." He said "ye...yes I am.." I said "good." He said with a weird look on his face. "I can't believe she hid you from me." He said "what.?" I said "you look just like her." He said "um.. you didn't know...about me..?" I asked "no she didn't want me to." He tells me " why?" I asked "because of this." He said and then put his arm around me "come on." He said as we got up and started walking "where are we going?" I asked "you'll see."
He tells me "but..." I go to say something and all I hear is " it will all be okay..." I hear him say before everything goes black........

A/N: what will happen next? Was it a bad idea to meet Nathan without someone else around? Why would Maya keep Macy from Nathan?

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