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Mayas POV
We where still out looking Andy had texted me telling they seen a girl but she ran off and wasn't sure if it was Macy. It's getting colder by the minute and i needed to find her. Me and Carina left the park headed to the last place I could think of. Please let her be there....

Macy's POV
It's cold that all I could think of. The cold. I was also sleepy but that didn't matter right now. I needed to stay warm somehow so I got up and started pacing back and forth come on Macy your okay. It started snowing about 10 minutes ago. I don't know what to do I have been in the snow before but I was in warm Clothes but this was different I had no Jacket my pants had rips in them and I had my hair up I had pulled my hair down to warm my neck but it wasn't working so I started walking down the road maybe I would just go to Mayas everyone would be gone by now and they would all soon forget this night hopefully....

Mayas POV
We where about 10 minutes away from the station don't ask me why she would think to go there my team wasn't there but it was safe yes she would be in a warm place and safe. The snow was coming down harder and harder. I just need her to be okay. "Maya look." Carina said pointing at a person walking down "is that her?" Carina asked me "i don't know we'll have to get closer." I tell her..

Macy's POV
I heard a car I didn't look up I just looked at the ground. This is the way to Mayas right? I asked myself. This isn't good I look around looking at the street signs. Oh no maybe this is the wrong way....

Mayas POV
I stop the car getting out seeing the girl does not have a Jacket and looks like she freezing. "Hey kid you okay?" I asked she wasn't facing me maybe this was her come on please be her. "Kid?" I said getting closer the kid had stopped looking around. She looked lost maybe she was lost but she wasn't looking so well from here..

Macy POV
Maya? I thought to myself. Is that her? No it can't be she would have stayed at her house right? But Andy came out to look for me.? Maya had to have been here to. No I just imagining it it's so cold I just want sleep keep going Macy. 'Eyes forward'  that's what dad always said right 'eyes forward at all times' that was his favorite line to say. I'll just sit here it will be okay he ain't here to stop me. "Kid?" The voice said again it sounds like Maya but she wouldn't know where to find me. I looked around again I see the car and a girl and another woman getting out of the car. Who's that? I asked myself as I turn to see who's calling out to me everything goes black....

Mayas POV
I run to the girl it's her "Macy wake up." I say "Macy...bean...? Come on." I look at her then Carina "come on Macy wake up." I say "Carina call 911 and get my Jacket from the car hurry!" I yell at my girlfriend.

Carinas POV
I called 911 and got Mayas jacket and called Andy telling her we had Macy but she wasn't talking to us and she felt like an ice sickle. I was hoping she would be okay "Bella we need to get her in the warm while we wait for the first responders." I tell Maya, she knew what needed to happen but she wasn't herself right now because this was her sister. We heard the sirens and Maya had not moved since we got here both of us Freezing along with Macy but we had put 2 jackets on her and a blanket that was in Mayas car.

Maya POV
She's gonna be okay it's cold but I know we got here at the right time the aid car got there and was getting her in the aid car I told Carina that I would ride with Macy in the aid car and she could meet up at Hospital.

We got to the hospital they took her back to one of the trauma rooms and someone had walked me and Carina to the waiting area and about 20 minutes later Andy and Vic showed up along with Ben, dr. Bailey, Joey and Tuck. Then Jack, Dean and Travis. Everyone was there and we where all waiting on news. About 10 minutes have went by and I started pacing back and forth I hated waiting I couldn't do it. By the time I had started walking back to in the way of the doors I seen someone I thought I wouldn't see here. I stopped and thought to myself no way. Not now....

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