The Beggining Of Priscilla

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"On this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long-awaited royal birth and good King Phillip, his Queen Aurora and their oldest daughter, Audrey made welcome to everyone"

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"On this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long-awaited royal birth and good King Phillip, his Queen Aurora and their oldest daughter, Audrey made welcome to everyone"

The trumpets started playing as a beam of light shined down, shades of Red, Green and blue showed to be the three good fairies. Flora, Fauna and Merryweather. "Their most honored and exalted excellencies the three good fairies" The three fairies floated down with sparkled all around them as they looked around the kingdom in excitement

"Mistress Flora, Mistress Fauna and Mistress Merryweather" The three flew their way to the cradle next to the sitting royals and admired Baby Priscilla with a awe face "Aw, the little darling" Merryweather said looking at the others

Flora made her way in front of the king and queen, the other two behind her "Your majesties, each of us the child may bless with a single wish no more no less" Flora gave a quick bow and went back to the cradle

"Little princess" Flora started "My gift shall be the Gift of Beauty" Flora flicked her wand around, green sparkle coming out and pointed it to the sky. Beauty meaning: Looks, Kindness and intelligence.

The sparkle vanished while falling down to the baby girl, Fauna goes to the cradle next as Flora leaves away from the cradle "Tiny baby, my gift shall be the gift of Song" Fauna did the same as Flora with her wand, flicking it to the ceiling as Blue Sparkle comes out of the end. Song meaning: Wonderful voice to attract anything or anyone

Now it's Merryweather turn to wish her gift to Baby princess Priscilla, Merryweather went to the cradle as the other two did and did the same "Sweet Priscilla, my gift shall be the gift of love" She flicks her wand to the air, white sparkles coming out once again. Love meaning: She'll will ever find her true love

Everyone in the crowd then curtsied or bowed down after ceremony then celebrated. Queen Aurora let out a smile and looked at her king then back at the cradle to her precious baby. She then looked down at her oldest kid in her arms. She's absolutely happy about her life with her husbands and two kids

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