XLVI: Always been soft

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(A little (really) short chapter inspired by one of my babes chapter in her own Carlos book -maudesociety 😝🩷)

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(A little (really) short chapter inspired by one of my babes chapter in her own Carlos book -maudesociety 😝🩷)

After the Cotillion, some people began to disembark from the boat to return to their dorms. Others stayed behind to assist in cleaning up the vessel and taking down decorations. Meanwhile, a few got distracted, engaging in more playful splashing with each other before eventually calling it a night.

Priscilla and Carlos walked back to Priscilla's dorm room in a comfortable silence. Priscilla was still soaking wet from head to toe, from all the singing and dancing in the water along with Carlos. Priscilla's hair was now in beach waves instead of the heated curls that Plumette had done to her hair

Priscilla's now shorter version dress was still sticking to her skin uncomfortably. Carlos' jacket was on her upper body from preventing her from being cold, although it wasn't helping her as his jacket was also soaking wet but Priscilla didn't say anything since she enjoyed having his leather jacket around her

Priscilla felt Carlos interlock their fingers together, she looks down at their hands and lets out a smile on her face. Carlos' voice caught her attention "So, have you thought about it?" Carlos asked, shyly. He kept his eyes on the ground as they walked

Priscilla furrowed her eyebrows at his question. With their interlocked hands, she wraps his arm around her shoulder still holding that hand. It barely crossed her mind that Carlos was talking about them getting together. She wanted to tease him for a bit "Thought about what?" She asked playfully, She bit her lip, trying not to break into a smile

Carlos looked up at her from the ground and saw her bite her lip trying not to laugh. With his arm that was wrapped around her shoulders, he brought her closer to his chest, they faced each other chest to chest. Priscilla stumbled a bit as she walked a bit backward from the sudden movement. Th try stopped walking as Carlos looked down at her and she looked up at him

"You're going to make me ask again?" Carlos playfully complained, eliciting laughter from Priscilla before she responded, "I clearly remember saying yes to you when you asked the first time." Her words had a questioning tone to them. Carlos simply smiled at her without saying anything, and Priscilla returned the smile. She briefly looked down at his lips and then back into his eyes, before she spoke up again, "Tell me"

"Tell you what?" Carlos asked curious

"Tell me... how you're feeling right now, you know, about us," she clarified, playfully poking Carlos's chest. Carlos responded with a quiet, dramatic gasp, prompting a small giggle from Priscilla

"Are you asking me to go soft?" Carlos playfully asked Priscilla, both his hands moved to her shoulders and slightly shook her back and forth

Priscilla laughed as he did "You were always soft, but come on Carlos!" She pleads, giving his chest a light slap "It's just you and me"

Carlos sighed briefly before offering her a warm smile. His hand traveled down from her arms to her waist. "You really want to know?" he asked, and Priscilla nodded in response

"I really like you, Priscilla. I mean, really, really like you," Carlos exaggerated with a laugh. Priscilla joined in the laughter, rolling her eyes playfully while a blush tinted her cheeks. She slipped out of his grasp and continued walking towards her dorm

Carlos continued their conversation as they walked together, "I've liked you ever since I saw you with Ben, Audrey, and Fairy Godmother to greet all of us" Priscilla bit her lip, trying to contain herself from smiling too big  "And considering on the isle, all that really mattered to me and the others is to make our parents proud" As they reached Priscilla's dorm, the princess turned to face Carlos

Carlos looked at her and said, "We never really dated on the Isle either, so this is all kind of new to me..." His voice trailed off towards the end as he and Priscilla locked eyes. Her gaze wandered around his face, from his eyes to each of his freckles, and then to his lips. Finally, she looked down at his hands, taking hold of them with her own and pulling him closer to her.

"Yeah, well," Priscilla sighed, looking back up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and played with the hair hair his head "You aren't on the isle anymore"

"You're right," Carlos smiled, his eyes briefly flickering to her lips and then back to her eyes. "I'm here, with you." Priscilla couldn't help but smile at his words before leaning in and placing her lips on his. Carlos eagerly returned the kiss before she pulled away and glanced briefly toward her room's door "This is me" She whispered to him

"See you tomorrow?" Carlos asked, almost in a whisper, as if they didn't already see each other every day. Priscilla let out a breathy laugh and softly kissed his cheek before gently pressing her lips to his. "Or you could stay the night," she suggested against his lips, slightly tilting her chin up to look at him

Carlos gazed back at her with half-lidded eyes. "I couldn't wish for anything more," he replied before returning his lips to hers

He reached behind her, opening the door, and the two of them walked into the room, still locked in a passionate kiss. Carlos kicked the door shut with his foot, and Priscilla laughed softly against his lips

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