XVII: Family Day

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Auradon Prep's courtyard was brightly spotted with vivid color from all of the guest for Family Day

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Auradon Prep's courtyard was brightly spotted with vivid color from all of the guest for Family Day. White linens clothed the tables, the food was pristinely placed and positioned for easy access as students and their families mingled. Priscilla had woken up early to help with the set up as well as last minute rehearsal for the musical Ben put up every time they have a Family Day

It was fun for her to help get the event together. She was continually going back and forth between her tasks and the soon-to-be king, who was essentially directing everything. The Prince would consult with her over the table placement or dichas the musical arrangement with her to see if anything needed to be changed

It wasn't out of the ordinary for Ben to reference with her over something as she is going to be his royal advisor. As she was Audrey's sister, he saw the girl very often.

They even shared classes so they got very well. Maybe in some other time Priscilla would have liked the Beast's son more than a friend, but again she loved him as a friend

Due to their friendship, Ben with his own good nature, and Priscilla's lack of ability to turn down a task, he always knew how to involve her in things she originally would not exactly participate in. Like when he left her along to give the new kids a tour to their dorms or in the most recent case, actively participate in the musical

Ben had asked more than once, for her to sing in it as well. Audrey, when she was his girlfriend at the time. Of course, tried to talk him out of letting her sing in the song

Of course, Priscilla let Ben have the win and Audrey have the lose

So when it came time to perform the song, Priscilla was wearing a light pink off the shoulder dress, standing at the back, and smiling brightly to the crowd

"Ma Chere Mademoiselle" Began Ben, making his way to the front. All eyes were on him and he didn't falter one but "It is with the deepest pride and greatest pleasure, that we welcome you tonight. And now, we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents - your dinner!"

The well-known song filled the courtyard, "Be our guest, Be our guest, put our service to the test. Tie your napkin 'round your neck, Cherie, and we provide the rest"

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