XIX: Everyday

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After strutting away, they all had separated from each other to different places

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After strutting away, they all had separated from each other to different places. Mal and Evie went to their dorms, Jay went to cool off his anger on the field, Carlos followed him to the field but he continued to walk towards the forest

The younger daughter of Sleeping Beauty was staring out a window, sitting at a bay window in the school halls of the school. She was just fine letting the tears fall in her dorm and went to sit at the bay window to the water outside to the tourney field

Her eyebrows furrowed as she watched Carlos did not stay on the tourney field with Jay but continued on walking to the forest. She was cuddled up on her legs in her chest but Priscilla puts them down and sat up straight, watching the boy disappear between the trees

Priscilla stood up from her seat and walked away from the window to follow the boy to the forest. As she got out of school, as fast as she can, she went to the field, she noticed that Jay isn't in the field anymore. Guessing he went back to his dorm after letting all out

"Carlos?" She yelled out cupping her mouth, she stayed quiet for a second to hear a respond or some sort. She heard nothing. So she tried again, "Carlos?!" She yelled louder than last time. She walked further into the forest. Priscilla turned her head to the right, hearing a snap of a twig. "Carlos?" She asked out loud, walking towards the noise. She walked around a wide tree and saw the sitting a log "Carlos," she let out a sigh of relief

The girl sat down on the log beside him expecting him to look right back at her but he didn't. He didn't even spare a glance. She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head

"hey" She called out to him in a whisper, Carlos yet hasn't look at her. She put her finger under his chin, turning his head making to look at her. As she did, she noticed the tears his eyes. But she also noticed the tears weren't of sadness, Only frustration Priscilla sent him a small but sweet smile before giving him a hug. The boy was fast to wrap his arm around her

Priscilla moved back from the hug "Once lifetime means there's no second chance" Began the girl, the two stared at each other "So I believe that you and me should grab it while we can"

"Make it last forever and never give it back" She continued now standing up from the log reaching out her hand to Carlos "It's our turn and I'm lovin' where we're at" Carlos sang softly grabbing her hand, pulling himself up. Priscilla smile brightly at him

"Because this moment's really all we have"

The two sang together, "Everyday of our lives. wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight" Priscilla chant ''Gonna run while we're young" Carlos sang as they started to walk "and keep the faith!" The two sing still holding onto each other hands

"Everyday, from right now. Gonna use our voices and Scream out loud"

"Tale my hand," Priscilla said squeezing his hand "Together we will celebrate"

"celebrate" Carlos repeated

"Oh oh, everyday"

The two made it to the school grounds and rushed up the stairs to the roof Garden "They say that you should follow" The girl smile widely while singing. She let go of his hand and turn towards him, walking backwards, "and chase down what you dream" Carlos sing following her also smiling

"But if you get lost and lose yourself"
"What does it really mean?"

He looks down at himself then back at the girl front of him, spreading his arms "Oh oh" Priscilla turns around as Carlos went behind her "No matter where we're going" Sang Priscilla

"Ooh, yeah, it start from where we are" Carlos sings closer as Priscilla backed away

"There's made to lie when I listen to our hearts"

"And because of you I've got the strength to start. Yeah, yeah, yeah" They grabbed each others hands and ran together "Everyday of our lives wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight"

"Gonna run while we're young and keep the faith" The white haired boy bright the princess closer to him then let go of her hand making her spin in circles "Everyday!"

"From right now," Carlos sang doing a short spin himself while jumping at the end  "Gonna use our voices, Scream out loud. Take my hand" They grab each other hand again "Together we will celebrate"

"Oh, everyday! Priscilla sang high pitched

"We're taking back. We're doing it here together" Carlos sing as Priscilla keep harmonizing

"It's better like that and stranger now than ever" Priscilla walk closer and closer to the boy "We're not gonna lose" Carlos sang talking taking one step closer

"Cause we get to choose. That's how it's gonna be" The two harmonized together, interlocking their fingers staring at each other's eyes "Everyday" Carlos sing calmly "Of our lives"

"Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight"

"Gonna run, while we're young"

"And keep the faith" They sang softly "Keep the faith" They repeated going higher every second

"Everyday of our lives. Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight"

"Gonna run!" Carlos raised his voice "While we're young"

"And keep the faith. Oh yeah, yeah!"
"Everyday! From right now. Gonna use our voice, Scream out loud. Take my hand. Together we will celebrate. Everyday!"

"Like everyday"

"Oh, everyday!" Priscilla hummed

"Oh, oh" Carlos followed "Oh, everyday!"

"Nah, nah, everyday"
"I say everyday"
"Everyday!" Carlos repeated after the girl

The two keep singing the words over and over again, dancing with each other "Everyday" Carlos tuned  "Everyday" Priscilla finished with a hum at the end"

A/n: Just a little filler chapter with a song 💁🏽‍♀️
Edited: Okay so I decided to just post the D1 chapters and wait till I got some enough chapters to post about D2, meaning you guys have to wait a little after posting the little left chapters🧍🏽‍♀️

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