III: VKs is here

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*A little treatment for making me reach to 100 views in a day 😍*

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*A little treatment for making me reach to 100 views in a day 😍*

Audrey and I both stood each side of Ben, She was in the right as I was in the left and Fairy godmother was in front of us three. Once the limo was in sight the band started playing their instruments. People were waving their hands or flags. They all cheered as they followed the limo. I look at my sister and saw disbelief and dismay in her face while looking at the cheering people. I just simply shake my head

Then my attention went to Ben and I saw excitement in his eyes as the limo got closer. I let out a grin as the limousine pulled up in front of us. The chauffeur got out of his seat to the car door in the end of the limo, opening it. As he said two boys fell out fell out. I covered my mouth holding in my laugh.

The band abruptly stopped playing the music. The two boys yelled at each other and fought over a blanket? "You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?" The one in road yelled as two more girls came out the limousine. One, who's dressed completely in blue with black and white, did many spins looking at the place totally astonished. The other one, dressed in all purple with hints of green, clearly looked like she didn't want to here. Totally understand her.

"Cause you want it!" The other boy, who had his foot on the boy in the floor chest holding him down, grunted pulling onto the blanket "No!" "Give it to me!"

A few band members moved out to the side letting Fairy godmother pass through, she had a bright smile on her face with hands in air

The all purple girl quickly told them something as she rushed to the front seeing Fairy godmother "we have an audience" I heard her say from behind Fg (Fairy godmother)

"Just cleaning up" Hes wearing a beanie so I'ma call him beanie, Beanie clearly lied and let out a fake chuckle and harshly brought the one in floor up. He has what appears to me chocolate around his mouth. He also gave white hair, I'm gonna call him white

"Leave it like you found it" Fairy godmother in a sing-a-song voice, smiling "and by that I mean just leave it" She said all serious now slightly dropping her smile. Audrey let out a quiet giggle bringing her shoulder up then down. I just kept on a fake smile for now. Beanie looked at the chauffeur, he rolled his eyes throwing the stuff he thieved in the limo, White gave him the blanket. Beanie grabbed it then threw it in as well, looking bummed then closed the car door

He looked at all of us and stopped at Audrey letting out a smirk, I covered my mouth knowing what's gonna happen next. He walks up to Audrey "Hello foxy"

He went around the purplette to my sister, he crossed his arms still smirking "The name's Jay"

Audrey let out a uncomfortable laugh, looking at Ben side eyed, By that I can tell he's the flirtatious one in the group. Fg popped her head in between the two

"Welcome to Auradon prep"

At that, Jay dropped his smirk going back to the group slowly "I'm fairy godmother. Headmistress" She did a small curtsy, I smiled at the mentioned of the women. I look at the group and the most one who looked shocked was the purplenette, "The fairy godmother?" She asked "As in Bibbidi-Bobbidi-boo?" She pretended flicking the wand around "Bibbidi-Bobbidi you know it" Fg smiled and gave her a wink pointing at her

Purplenette smiled, "Yeah, I always wondered what if felt like for Cinderella, when you just appeared out of nowhere" She said grinning "With that sparkly wand and warm smile" Fg awe'd at her words placing her hand on her chest

"And that sparkling wand" She repeated making me a little wary

"That was a long time ago," Fairy godmother spoke up, still smiling "And as I always say, 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future"

She did some hands movement, I gave her a confusing look since I've never heard her say that, not when I'm around at least. Ben finally stepped up with Audrey following him "It's so good to finally meet you all" He stated "I'm Ben"

"Prince Benjamin!"

Audrey cut in, holding her index finger up "Soon to be kind" She exclaimed excitedly

The bluenette stepped forward looking dreamingly at Ben "You had me at Prince" Her eyes only sets on Ben "My mom's a queen. Which makes me a princess" She curtsied making me grin at her but of course the moment was ruined by Audrey "The Evil Queen has no royal status here" She started making the bluenette smile dropped now making me feel bad for her as she looked so happy

"And neither do you"

"Audrey!" I hissed looking at my rude, self-absorbed sister "What?" She asked shrugging, I look at her disbelief and rolled my eyes "I told you before that the Evil Queen does have a royal statues here in Auradon, you just don't like the fact that a Villain or whatever you wanna call her has a royal status here"

I look at Bluenette giving her a smile then back at Audrey dropping the smile rapidly "We all know that Snow White father and Evil Queen never divorced each other" I looked at the other two, Ben and Fairy godmother, for conformation. The two nodded. Audrey just scoffed that she had just lost and is embarrassed "and that's makes her still, Well, Queen!" I kept going but stopped and looked at the others giving them a innocent smile

Audrey gave me a glare as Ben awkwardly let out laugh trying to ease the tension, "This is Audrey" Ben introduce his girlfriend, that caught Audrey attention making her stop glaring at me

"Princess Audrey!" She cut in again "His girlfriend!" She squealed holding his hands, Ben just chuckled "Right, Bennyboo?" She looked at him, the two smiled at each other. Too much affection. "And this is Priscilla"

"Princess Priscilla!"

I side eyed Audrey "His royal advisor and my sister" I gave her a sarcastic smile "Yeah, we didn't need all that, Audrey" I did a circular motions with my whole hand towards her. I looked at the new kids "Please call me anything but my full name"

A few of them gave me a smile "Ben, Audrey and Priscilla are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow" Fairy godmother said softly. Purplenette gave her a soft smile

"The door if wisdom are never shut!" Fg suddenly loud voice said scaring some people. She separated Ben and Audrey's interlocked hands going through them "But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews" Fg rapidly said nodding her head along

They all just awkwardly laugh. Fairy godmother left with a nod and the band followed behind her leaving us. It was quiet for a moment waiting for the rest to be away from earshot. We all waited patiently in the silence before talking again

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