XLIII: Ben's gift

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(A little "filler" before the big fight and song comes on)

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(A little "filler" before the big fight and song comes on)

Before the group could depart from the area, Jane hurried up the stairs towards Lumiere. Carlos had his hand on Priscilla's lower back as they moved away from Ben and Uma. Just as Jay and Mal were about to pass Beast and Belle, Beast halted Mal's progress by calling her name. Belle extended her hand towards the young girl and spoke gently, "Honey, we're so sorry. We had no idea."

"I'm gonna talk to him" Beast Promised

"Lumiere, unveil the gift. They need to see it!" Priscilla heard Jane rush out. A spotlight beamed at Lumiere, interrupting Ben and Uma's moment. Everyone on the stairs halted their steps as Lumiere addressed them, saying, "And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece designed especially for his Lady" Lumiere gestured towards Mal, and the fanfare played their instruments once more

Everyone turned their attention to the opposite side of the boat. The blue curtain that had concealed Mal's gift from Ben gracefully descended, revealing a glass painting of Mal and Ben. Gasps of amazement filled the air, followed by enthusiastic applause. Mal was left utterly stunned when she laid eyes on the gift

Ben looked at the painting and took a few steps forward, engrossed in the painting

"Ben did that?" Mal inquired, her voice tinged with surprise. Priscilla smiled at the way she asked the question. "Yeah, he did," Evie responded

"It's what he's been hiding from you," Priscilla confessed, acknowledging that she was aware of the gift all along. She smiled at Mal and watched as she descended a few steps, her gaze still fixed on the glass painting. "Evie," Mal sighed, her eyes locked onto the artwork, "Ben's known who I was all along."

"He loves the real you, M"
"A true love"

"Told you," Carlos teased, earning a playful slap on the chest from Priscilla as Mal laughed

The atmosphere took a sour turn when Uma turned around with an angry glare, directing her frustration at Lumiere. "Cover that back up!" She barked loudly at the man, who defiantly retorted, "I will not!" This exchange drew the attention of everyone present, and whispers rippled through the crowd.

Uma stammered for a moment as she sensed the disapproval around her. She then shifted her gaze to Ben and, with a forced smile and gritted teeth, suggested, "Uh, why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?" She maintained her facade from before

Ben looked at Uma, "I have an announcement!" Ben said loudly, Priscilla stepped forward ready to stand on her ground. If Ben had any announcements, he would've gone to her first to get her approval on anything whether she liked it or not, she had to deal with that since the day she became his royal advisor. She just needed confirmation of what she thought was true earlier when she whispered in Carlos' ear

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