XXVIII: Practice

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With a bag of work slung over the girls shoulder, Cilla went up the flight of stairs reaching the upper balcony with the rest of the cheerleaders. She went up the front and leaned into the railing

Her eyes scanned over the boys doing their warm ups, her eyes stopped at the boy she was looking for specifically. She smiled to herself and bit her lip without noticing, enjoying the view of him working out "Enjoying your boyfriend's warm up?" The daughter of the Headmistress came over to the girl

"What?" Priscilla hummed looking over her shoulder "No.. okay maybe just a little bit and he isn't my boyfriend" Admitted Priscilla her attention went back to the white haired boy "That look is much more than a little bit"

Jane smirked now leaning over the railing as well, her eyes scanned the crowd. The two laughed together, Priscilla nudged the girl. Carlos stopped what he was doing as looked up at the balcony seeing the laughing girl. Priscilla looks back down and saw Carlos looking right at her. She gave him a smile and gave him a wave with her fingers. Carlos chuckled and waved back, shaking his head at the end of his waving

"Priscilla!" Jay voiced yelled catching the girls attention "Stop distracting my men during Practice!" Jay rebuked playfully, pointing his finger up at her, glaring

"I didn't do anything" She stated innocently, easing her hand up in defense. She looked at Jane and the two started to laugh. Carlos smiled at himself hearing her laugh yet again

Jay patted Carlos' back "All right, boys, let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me, let's go" At his order, everyone payed attention as the boys lined up like Jay told them to

"Reassembler!" Jay shouted once everyone got into position. The boys raised their swords "Salute!" Swords were in front of their faces while the other hand is behind them, reached out and palm upwards to the ceiling "Mask down" Everyone did as told "En grade" At those words, the boys started to sword fight

Priscilla eyes only set on Carlos fighting with Jay. The two went back and forth with each other. Jay grabbed Carlos arm, pushing him to the middle of the room, Jay slid on his knees towards Carlos as Carlos bent his back their swords hitting each other. Carlos jumped on the blocks letting Jay slide under him. Carlos did a front flip getting down. With his sword, turning his attention towards Jay. All of the sudden a new figure jumps in now Fighting the captain; Jay

The figure got on their knees, doing a turn hitting Jay on the thigh. I'm confusion, Jay took off his mask showing his eyebrows being furrowed

"Get him, Jay" Carlos voice called out, yet it wasn't a him, it was a her; Lonnie in fact. Priscilla knew who it was right away. Since she knew her plans and was in it. She helped her practicing, the two fight together on the Amphitheater

Everybody in the fighting put moved out as Jay and Lonnie fought, Lonnie did a turn jumping in air, adding a kick towards Jay, Priscilla let out a smirk since that was the move she tried on Lonnie, All she could say was she was proud

They both missed each other, Jay was on his knees as Lonnie was still on her feet. The boy tried to make the girl fall by swiping her feet but missed. Lonnie skipped back and a handed cartwheel. The swords clashed together, the two stopped for a quick moment before slashing swords again

Lonnie grabbed his sword making Cilla celebrate in her head. She swing the sword in front of Jay and Jay moved aside. Lonnie did the move again and Jay moved to the other side. Lonnie did some moves and handed the sword back, Jay kicked the handle of the sword. He grabbed the sword mid air, his face was in shock that someone had beaten him

Lonnie grabbed her mask, revealing herself. Everyone's face was surprised at the girl "It's Lonnie!" Jane gasped, Priscilla whistler and clapped her hands, everyone soon joins in

Jay chuckled, impressed "Not bad" He commented

"Thanks to Priscilla" Lonnie said looking up to her practice partner "You should put me on the team"

Jay shrugged his shoulder, his face saying he's considering it but Chad Charming came into the conversation, ruining it "Hey. What?" Chad looked at Jay then to Lonnie "No, no, no. We'll be the laughing stock of the league. And what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney. Come on, guys"

"So?" Jay asked seeing nothing wrong with that idea. Priscilla stood up straight, rolling her eyes and crossed her arms. Chad look at him, his face deadpanning "So? So have you not read the rule book?" By now, Priscilla was now on the main floor, her arms still crossed "Section 2, Paragraph 3, 11-4. 'A team will be comprised of a Captain and eight man' mmm?"

He flipped the rule book around shoving it to Lonnie's Face then to everyone else "You should red the rule book"

"Okay, yeah, but you're down a man" Reasoned Lonnie giving a glance to Jay "You know, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff"

"Exactly. We're down a man" Chad said raising his arms. Priscilla let out a scoff at his words catching some attention "Chad, please, you're barely a man yourself" Retorted Priscilla pointing her hand at him, people around her and heard her let out snickers. At those laughing made Priscilla laugh herself making her look down at the floor

Chad could only glare at her "Jay" Pleased the Chinese girl

"I'm sorry. Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book" Jay said, Chad looked at Lonnie with smug face making Priscilla's lips curl

"If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war"

Chad let out scoff looking back at Jay. He raised his shoulders "Okay.."

"Rulebook. Rulebook" He repeated as Lonnie walked away from the blonde. She let out a scoff. The two girls both glance at each each other and nodded

Priscilla step forward to Chad "You're just scared a girl is better than you Charming" She grabbed his sword, turning it around her hand pointing it right under his chin. She saw Chad visibly swallow, that was enough satisfaction for her "And I'll make sure Karma bite your ass back" She gave him a innocent smile, pushing the sword against his chest forcibly making him stumble back at bit. She gave everyone a single glance before walking in the same direction Lonnie went

"Rulebook" Chad stuttered as Priscilla walked out the room, she looked back giving him a warning glare making Chad falter a bit. It's safe to say he was quite terrified of the girl. The same goes to everyone in the room. Jay and Carlos gave each other a glance, slightly proud of her and little terrified along with it

"I told you it wouldn't work" Spoke Lonnie right as Priscilla walked out the room, Priscilla rolled her eyes and turned around to the girl "It only didn't work is because of Chad. You saw how Jay was considering to let you in the team"

"True" Lonnie said crossing her arms, still upset that her plan didn't work "Lonnie, Darling, don't worry about it" Priscilla walked her way closer to the girl and went to hold her hand "Don't forget that I am Ben's royal advisor, I'll to talk to him about twisting the rules a bit about Girls joining some 'boys sports', knowing Ben, he'll consider it. He will talk to the coach to let you in. I promise you this"

"You always do your promises" Lonnie smiled making Priscilla smile back at her "That's right. Now, let's go"

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