XXIII: Set it off

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After defeating Maleficent and turning her to a Lizard, Saying that it's the size of love in her heart by Fairy Godmother after she unfroze

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After defeating Maleficent and turning her to a Lizard, Saying that it's the size of love in her heart by Fairy Godmother after she unfroze. Telling the now good villains they deserve an 'A' in goodness class

Turning back to the frozen in place crowd, she gave a wave of her wand. Silver magic spouted and rained down, undoing Maleficent's evil magic


Everyone unfroze and Ben continued his lunge and let out a roar, thinking Maleficent was there but Mal stopped him. Carlos heard a particular gasp and his eyes widened as Priscilla got unfroze. She started to tumble sideways and he quickly threw his arms around her waist, keeping her up


The girl looked around, blinking to get her vision back. Her hand found his shoulder tried to keep herself steady "Carlos?" A moment passed before she realized who it was and looked at him with wide eyes


He had to shift a leg back keeping his balance when She threw her arms around his neck. Laughing out loud, he wrapped his arms around her tightly. She leaned back so they were face to faces her hand reaching up to his check

"I'm so glad you're okay," She gave him a sincere smile and went to hug him again. Jay came and pulled the two into the half formed group hug with Ben, Evie, and Mal

"Let's get this party started!" They all laughed

"Ohayohay, hey!"

They were already being set off as the Coronation moved to the outdoor celebration. Blue, yellow, white exploded in the night sky as music filled the air. Mal and Evie were already on stage and dancing as Ben was being carried out by his pears

"Let's set it off"
"Oh yeah"
"You can make it happen!"

The new king was placed on the center of the stage as everyone danced around him. His blazer was undone as most girl had shorter version of their dresses "Kings and Queen, it's out time to rise. Write the book, story of our lives. This is us taking back the night!"

"Ohayohay!" Everyone chorused

Mal made her way over to the king, hand in the air "Break the spell, we were born this way" Ben and Mal's hands clashed together, she did a spin to the side of Ben "Be yourself, forget the DNA. Everybody raise your hands and say—"

Everyone clapped their hands in beat

Evie was next to take the attention "Sound the alarm, get on your feet. Let's set it off and rock this beat. Dance till your heart is wild and free" Doug was dancing and interacting with the bluenette "Feelin' the power, let it all out. Like what you see in the mirror, shout! We got the keys, the kingdom's ours!"

Priscilla had been in the side, not on stage like the others. Slightly dancing along with everyone else. She had a shorter dress and her blue gown now stopped at her knees. Grinning at herself, she snaps along with everyone "Let's set it off! oh yeah! Start a chain reaction and never let it stop. Let's set it off, oh yeah! You can make it happen with everything you got, Let's set it off"

Everyone on stage dance simultaneously "Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off"

She stopped her small side to side dancing when two sets of hands gripped her shoulder. Surprised, she looked to see Carlos. Carlos picked up the next verse

"It's time to set this thing off, Let's make it happen now! I'ma make my own future, ignore all the rumors, Show 'em how passion sounds!" Her favorite boy grabbed her hand and began to lead her towards the stage where everyone else is dancing

"They all told me I should back down. Judgin' me 'cause of my background. Thinkin' 'bout changing my path now!" He raised her hand making her do a spin "Nah, I ain't goin' out like that now"

The two were in Stage and moving with the beat, completely in sync with each other and the other students. Priscilla couldn't stop smiling at the De Vil boy, their bodies twisting with one and another

"Feelin' the power, let it all out" The two Rose Rose sisters sang together "Like what you see in the mirror, shout!"

"We got the keys, the kingdom's ours"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah!"

"Let's set it off, oh yeah! Start a chain reaction and never let it stop. Let's set it off, Oh yeah! You can make it happen with everything you got"

They faced each other and danced "Get ready, set it off! We got to set it off!  Get ready, set it off! We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off"

Mal and Ben ran off the stage to the grass "Three, two, one, uh!" Ben leaned in towards Mal but she turned her head to the side with a smile. With that the two separated from each other, rubbing off while the whole courtyard danced off

Priscilla golden brown hair whipped around as she twirled, her hand connecting with a familiar leather glove when she finished. The two were both smiling so much their cheeks were hurting but that didn't matter to them

The song was coming to a close end and everyone turned around to the balcony where Mal and Ben were standing and everyone gave a bow as the song was ending. The fireworks finale was flaring in the night sky. All out of breath from all of the singing and dancing, Priscilla didn't mind it one bit as she looked up at the sky

She turned her head to Carlos seeing him staring up in awe and her smile only grew


She called out to him, turning at the sound of his name and feeling of her grabbing his gloved hand. He stared right at her. Brown eyes were bright as she gave him a reassuring squeeze

"I heard about what Audrey and Jane said to you in family day" She explained "And I wouldn't worry about it if I were you"

"You wouldn't?" He asked, still holding on to her hand. She gave him a grin, she got closer to his face holding one cheek and went to hiss the other. She backed up to face him "Not even a little"

She could tell he was blushing under the firework light. That only made her smile more


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