V: Museum

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Since I volunteered to be a after hours, I wouldn't get in trouble wandering in the halls and places like that, like other students

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Since I volunteered to be a after hours, I wouldn't get in trouble wandering in the halls and places like that, like other students. So that's what I was doing wondering around the halls the peaceful quietness. I had my cat following behind me. My first trip was the Auradon prep's kitchen, I was making two cups of coffee.

One for me and one for the security guard in the museum. We need to stay up somehow am I right? Even thought coffee makes me a little bit sleepy instead of making me stay awake.

After making the coffee's I grabbed both of the cups and made my way out. I pushed the door open by my side and made my way to the museum. Thank god, it's not windy outside at night. It's the perfect temperature and I love it

 It's the perfect temperature and I love it

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3rd Person Pov

"Ah it's my favorite night owl visitor" The security guard said opening the locked door for Priscilla as she laughed walking in. The security guard closed the door, locking it. Cilla looked at the museum that she'd been a million times, spinning around

"I've been in this museum so many times but always seeing things I've missed" Priscilla said stopped looking around, "Oh and I got you coffee. Like always" The security guard sat in his seat where the cameras are

Priscilla walked towards him giving him the cup of coffee, "Thank you"

Priscilla hummed in response and turned around, expecting the spinning wheel Maleficent made her mother touch, The two bewildered that the VKs are looking at them. All four of them looked at each other as Cilla keeper looking at the wheel, "I know what you're thinking about" The security guard spoke up spooking the girl out of her trance "And that is?" She asked carefully "You're wondering how it felt like to your mother"

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