LXV: Engagement party

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(Okay question, can y'all see the outfits or is black for you guys too?)

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(Okay question, can y'all see the outfits or is black for you guys too?)

The engagement Party had finally come. Everyone in Auradon was hanging out at the front of where you would leave or come from the Isle of the Lost. Audrey stood with her grandmother, Jay, Doug, And Eve with each other, Jane with Dizzy, Diana and the twins, and Carlos with Priscilla. Everyone waited for Ben and Mal to show up

Evie turned around and smiled, her head tilted to the side. "There they are," She said out loud to herself. As the couple went out to the light, horns were blown, getting everybody's attention. They all cheered for the two as they waved to the people around the two. They bowed and curtsied to the royal couple. Priscilla smiled at them and waved after her curtsy. Evie whispered a hi to Mal as they walked past her. Mal smiled at Audrey as she and Ben made their way to the stairs. Everyone was still Clapping for them. Mal and Ben looked over at everyone with Fairy Godmother and Ben's parents on each side

"Lady Mal and I wanna thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today" Ben began to talk as the clapping slowed down. He looks over at Mal. "I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my queen" Mal looks over at Ben and he smiles brightly at her. "So..." He lifts up his drink in his hand "Raise your glasses" Everyone followed in suit and raised their drinks up as well, "To our future queen of Auradon"

"To our queen of Auradon," Everyone said in sync and took a sip of their pink drink

"Speech, your specialness" Carlos spoke up with his glass up and took a baw "Speech, Oh, Fancy one" Jay added, lifting up his glass as well. Everyone laughed with Jay and Carlos. Priscilla shook her head at them playfully and took her last sip before placing her cup on the ground like everybody else had done. She looks up at Mal once she stands back up waiting for her speech. Mal was quiet as she looked over at everyone and then over to the Isle behind them

Evie and Carlos looked at each other before looking back up to Mal. Mal opened her mouth and nothing came out so she closed her mouth before opening it again. "I can't" She spoke up, her words shocking everyone causing them to gasp. Priscilla's eyebrows furrowed at Mal and looked over at Carlos and he looked back at her with the same expression. "I can't be queen of Auradon" Mal continued. Ben placed a hand on her lower back looking confused and looked behind him to his parents and then back at Mal

He leaned over at Mal, "Mal?" She looks at Ben, turning her body to face his own. "I can't turn my back on the Isle," She told him, placing her hand on top of his. Priscilla looks around her hearing people whisper with each other. Mal turns to everyone else below her. "We made a decision to close the barrier forever and it was my idea" She points at herself "But it's wrong'

"I've learned that you can't live in fear because it doesn't actually protect you from anything" Priscilla softly smiled at Mal and her words, she interlocked her fingers together and held her hands together in front of her as she continued to listen to Mal "You never know where the bad is gonna come from and you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either. Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone" Priscilla turned to Diana, who was beside her, and smiled at her as she put her hand on her shoulder. Diena smiled back at Priscilla and placed her hand on top of Priscilla's

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