XVIII: Standing up

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"Come on

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"Come on. You remember don't you?" Queen Leah asked to everyone in general, turning to Fairy Godmother "The poison apples. And the spells," Her glare went to Belle and Beast, both lowered their heads

"Spells," Repeated the upset Queen, now turning her focus back to Mal "My daughter.. was raised by fairies. Because if your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!"

No one knew how to respond or react to her heartache

"You mustn't trust her," Queen Leah insisted to Fairy godmother

Mal tried to step forward "I'm so sor–"

Chad Charming was quick to jump between the upset queen and the apologetic girl

"Go away! Stay away from her!" He pushed back with such conviction that Mal took a step back and Ben moved forward in front of Chad ready to defend
"Don't do this, Chad" Warned the soon-to-be king

"What" He asked "They were raised by their parents, Ben"

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Priscilla looked around as she head a very familiar voice and realized it was her own. The two groups turned to look at her. She could feel the back of her neck heat up from all the attention. She hated confrontation but she could just stay quiet. Chad charming was used to getting his way and Priscilla was now certain she wasn't gonna let it happen this time

"What do you think Villains teach their children, huh, Priscilla?" Chad challenged, stepping closer to her, using his height in advantage to intimidate her "Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh"

Priscilla refused to falter under his face and took a step forward instead, "That's rich coming from you, Charming"


"You think you're model behavior come from only your parentage?" She retorted with a snigger "Your parents are Cinderella and Prince Charming, for gods sake. So, you should be an example of Hard work, kind-hearted, and charming disposition when, in fact, you're the opposite of those and just nothing more than a royal jerk"

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