VI: Tourney Practice

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I had study hall, but I don't study at all at this moment

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I had study hall, but I don't study at all at this moment. I went to my locker and put away some things I didn't need for my next class. I slammed my locker shut to be faced by a feared Jane

"Jane!" I put my hand on my chest "Oh my god" I muttered leaning into the locker "I'm sorry! Sorry!" She quickly apologizes repeatedly, reaching out to me but I waved her off "But, um, what did you need?" I asked her getting off the lockers and begin walking with her beside me

I heard Jane let out a squeak as she speed runs beside me "I need your help" She squeaks again, I looked at her confused "With?"

"Handing this paper to my mom"

"I'm still confused. Why did you need my help again? I mean that is your mom. why do you look scared?" I questioned her making her stop and turned her fully "She's teaching the VK's right now!" Jane says below a whisper, I make a circle shape with my mouth and nodded understatedly "You'll be fine, Jane" I assured her placing my head on her shoulder "No I would not!" She whimpers out "You should know I'm terrified of them"

"I can tell" I formed my lips to a line "What do you want me to do?" I asked her "For you to come with me!" She said desperately, placing her hand on my arm and shake me. I slowly take her hand off my arm and hold her still "Jane, calm down"

"Sorry" She puts her head down "its okay" I told her and placed my hand on her shoulder "I'll come with you"

"You will?!" She asked hopefully, i just nodded my head at her. She started jumping from her feet so i had to put my hands on her shoulder to calm her down "Come on! I have to take these now!"

See the thing is with Jane is that she's a very shy girl and is scared of things she has to do sometimes. So she has to bring me along some times. Shes also quite insecure of herself, she doesn't like the way she looks and always wanted to be part of popular side but no one accepted her to be in their group. Like Audrey, she always wanted to be in her group but Audrey always ignores her

And that's what brings her down every time. But luckily her she got me as her friend who always tries to cheer her up and lift up her mood when she's upset. What makes it worse, for her, is her mom is fairy godmother. The headmistress of the school. So for her she expects to be someone everyone wants her to be but in reality they don't really care about Fairy godmother being her mom. Even though they can use her for it but they don't k know that cause their basically brain dead about being just perfect and how they look

As we not entered the room I heard everyone oh'ed in realization "That makes so much sense" I heard Evie whisper, Jane walked by the group with a squeal catching their attention. Fairy godmother gasps at the sight of her daughter "Hello, dear one" She said placing her hand on her knees

"Hi" Jane muttered to her mother and looked back at me, her eyes telling me to come closer to comfort her. I just rolled my eyes and went towards her also catching the group attention "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation" Jane looks back at the VK's cautiously "Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane? And of course Priscilla" I just fake smiled at them as Jane whispers to her mother

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone" Fairy godmother slightly pushes Jane in front of the whole class, Jane smiles nervously at the kids sitting down "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me, as you were" She let out another squeal grabbing my arm and dragged me away with her "Woah, Jane!" I exclaimed, I looked back at the room to lock eye contact with Carlos.

Fairy godmother clearing her throat got his attention back towards her breaking the eye contact. My attention went back to Jane who was still dragging me with her "Okay, Jane, you can stop now! We are out of their sights!"

 My attention went back to Jane who was still dragging me with her "Okay, Jane, you can stop now! We are out of their sights!"

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Now, being Audrey sister means being a Cheerleader. No exceptions. Which we are right now, we are practicing and cheering as the boys played Tourney on the field in front of us. I've noticed that new boys are also trying out Tourney. Fairy godmother must've suggested it to them to try it out

I was down on the floor stretching, doing the butterfly pose. The soles of my feet together, my hands are holding onto my white shoes and slowly breathing as I went down, my chest touching my shoes. I stretch out my hands, suddenly the coach blows out the whistle. I sat up straight and watch as Eveyone scrambled around the field

"Jay, Ben, offense"
"Chad, you're defense"

I looked around the field and saw Carlos looking lost, Coach Jenkins seeing him lost as well so he calls out for Carlos "Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost boy!" Carlos attention went to the coach "Put your helmet on. Get out of the kill zone!"

Carlos quickly moved out of the way making a smile form on my face. His confusion still plastered on his face as he puts on his helmet. Coach Jenkins blew his whistle again meaning practice has begun. Ben first had the ball and pass it to someone else while pushing his enemy down to the floor

That caused some cheering from other cheerleaders who were practicing. Jay begin repeatedly pushing enemies out of his way, Audrey stopped cheering at the scene but the others kept going. I heard Jay yell from across the field as he began marching towards another person from the opposite team who had the ball. Once he reached the kill zone, Taylor the one that's on the dragon shooter, began shooting at him

Jay easily passed through the thrown balls and threw the main ball up in the air pushing enemies on his way. He reached to one other person from the opposite team who started to freak out. I'm totally that is Carlos, who threw his Torpey stick at Jay.

Jay threw the ball at Carlos who blocked with the shield and the ball flew up to the sky. Carlos curdled into a ball with his shield protecting him. Jay stepped on his shield and went over Carlos coming at the Ball again pushing someone from his own team down and perfectly threw the ball into the net. The cheerleaders kept on cheering doing some tricks as Audrey just looked at them like they all had two heads. She looks down at me and scoffed

I heard Jay yell as he went towards the person on the net, he moves away fastly rolling, Jay went back but he ran away before jay can could get him. Jay started celebrating and did some impressive dance moves. Coach blew his whistle yet again and pointed at Jay "You! Get over here!"

I finally stood up from the floor and Audrey let out a sigh "At least you didn't cheer for the delinquent" She said pointing at Jay who was talking with the coach with the rest of the team behind him and cheerleaders still cheering "Actually, I was cheering on the inside. I was just too busing admiring the practice" I shrug, Audrey let out a annoyed shriek and went off. I heard the whistle blow again as they went off the field again for another practice

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