XXXI: Pizza and Straberries

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Priscilla had just finish washing her hair and was drying her hair with a towel, she walked out the bathroom and smiled right at her Pet Cat, Rouge

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Priscilla had just finish washing her hair and was drying her hair with a towel, she walked out the bathroom and smiled right at her Pet Cat, Rouge. Her tail slightly swaying side by side at the sight of her owner. Priscilla reached out her hand and scratch Rouge behind the ear making the cat purr at the touch

The sound of her phone caught her attention. She too petting her cat and reach over to her side table grabbing the device. She wrap the towel around her shoulders and sat at the edge of the bed

Priscilla unlocked her phone and saw she gotten a text, she looked at the contact and it was Carlos, at the sight of his name made her smile. She pressed on his name reading the text, it says 'Open the door.' Confused, she looks up at the door and got up. She place her phone down at her bed and made her way to the wooden door

She grabbed the golden door knob twisting it open, She peeks her head to see Carlos standing there and holding a basket probably full of different foods with a pizza box on top of the baskets "Special pizza delivery" Carlos spoke with a goofy grin making the girl laugh, she widens the door for him to enter the dorm

At the smell of food, Rouge stood up from the conformable bed, jumping down and made her way to Carlos. Carlos looked down seeing the Cat. He puts the basket down and petted the animal making her purr

"Hello Rouge"

He looks up from the animal to Priscilla and saw her looking down at him with a smile, He smiled back at her standing back up

"Is this what you had under your sleeve?" She looked down at the basket. Carlos let out a chuckle and nodded his head "A picnic? In my dorm?"

"Yes" nodded Carlos looking down at the Basket "And what's a picnic without some chocolate-covered strawberries?"

"My favorite. Now is it really for me or for yourself?" She teased as she went to grab a thin blanket "For you of course! And a little bit for me" Carlos muttered at the end but she heard him which made her laugh. She come back with a blanket "I heard that" Carlos rolled his yes playfully and the two began to set the picnic in Priscilla's dorm

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Carlos threw his last piece of pizza bread in the box as he finished his pizza, the two laugh at something he said before. Priscilla on her side and was staring at him as he looked down at the bowl where the last strawberry "Do you want the last strawberry?"

He asked pointing at the fruit and looked at her, Priscilla turn her head at the white bowl and tilted her head, scrunching her nose at thought "And you don't want it? Shocker" She joked, she let out a laugh looking up at him. Carlos place his hand flat on his chest "What? I'm being generous." Priscilla let out a long hum looking back down at the bowl "Come on!"

Carlos picked up the strawberry by its leaves "This might very well be the best strawberry in the whole world" Priscilla licked her lips staring at the fruit as Carlos looked at her while he spoke "But you wouldn't know because you're not going to eat it"

Priscilla chuckled at his dramatic speech, she hung her head down and let out a smile, she looks back up at him "Fine" She leaned forward as Carlos went to fed her the chocolate covered strawberry, she bit into it and let out a hum, licking her lips. She watched him take a bite into the strawberry as well

"I guess you were right"
"I know"

Priscilla rolled her eyes and pushed him making him laugh. Priscilla laughs along bringing her head down to her hand. She looks to the side and saw Rouge slowly reaching for a blueberry, very well making eye contact with the girl "Rouge!" The scolded and went to reach for the cat but Rouge was faster than her and ran away with a blueberry in her moth

"Ay.." Priscilla groaned rubbing her forehead, Carlos chuckled at her distress form "It's fine, Blueberries are okay for Cats" He reassured, Priscilla looks up at him "Oh no, I know that but I'm sure she's gonna throw that singular blueberry up later" Cilla explained her face cringing at the thought of cleaning throw up later, Carlos cringed along with that "Anyways-" Priscilla got cut off by Carlos who was in deep thought

"Hey, what do you, um, want to Call this?" He abruptly asks surprising the girl "What?" She asked in shock and looked at him with her eyes widen and confusion

"what do you want to call whatever this is?"

Her points all over the picnic, Priscilla stammers a bit. She shook her head and shrug her shoulders "I don't know..." she told him truthfully, continuing to shake her head "I mean, call it whatever you want? What do you want to call this?"

"A.. um.. a date?"

"A date?" She asks confused squiring her eyes "Um okay. I guess.. we can call this a date" Carlos slowly nodded his head, the two stayed quiet for a few moments, awkwardly

"How's the dude thing going?" Priscilla spoke up first breaking the awkward silence, she first thought went to the speaking dog "You know, with his speaking.. thing"

"He's getting very annoying" Carlos stated seriously but Priscilla couldn't help but laugh. The thought of Carlos with an annoyed face as a Dog talks him ears off popped in her head making her laugh harder

Carlos laughed confused on why she's laughing "I'm sorry. Im sorry" she stopped laughing, or tried to. She waved her hand trying to calm down but once they made eye contact, she bursted out again, this time letting out a snort. That only made her laugh even harder then before and Carlos joined this time around

This went for hours til Carlos had to leaved back to his room

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A little filler chapter cause ya girl is a lazy right now

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