IV: Statue

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Ben kept his smile on his face as he took a step, looking at everyone

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Ben kept his smile on his face as he took a step, looking at everyone. He began with Jay walking towards him, "It is so, so good to finally meet-" Ben held out his hand but got cut off by a fist bump in the chest "-you all"

Jay smirked and nodded as Ben went to the purplenette. I followed his footsteps and went to Jay as well. I went for a handshake but instead I got a kiss in the knuckles. I let out a smile, I looked up at Ben and saw the two staring at each other deeply. They also were holding hands for way to long

"Ben!" I got him out from his trance from looking at the purplenette "This is a momentous occasion and one that I hope will go down in history" Ben went to the white haired boy shaking his hand getting chocolate in his hands. I went to the purplenette and shake her hand "is that chocolate?" Ben put his finger in his mouth licking the chocolate off

The White-haired sucked on his thumb getting the chocolate off as well

I went in front of him and shook his hand, the cleanest one. I looked at him in the eyes and some how the world stop, I shook my head. I'm acting like Ben from earlier. I felt someone brush their hand on my shoulder. I look behind me seeing Audrey going to Ben as he shook The bluenette hands. She didn't want to let go of him as she looked at Ben dreamily. Audrey didn't like that so she pushed her hands off.

"Or the day that you showed four peoples where the bathroom are" Purplenette jested making me chuckle along with Ben. He faced her again "A little bit over the top?" He asked "A little more than a little bit" she replied, the two chuckled together. I can feel the tension between the two as they continued to stare at each other

"Well, so much for my first impression" Ben added smiling at her, Audrey must've felt the tension as well as her eyes flicked in-between the two

"Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?"Audrey interrupted the two stare down, faking a smile "Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff"

I looked at Audrey shocked "Audrey!" All I got was a finger in my face making me back up a little from her "oh, my moms Aurora. Sleeping-"

"Beauty!" Maleficent's daughter finishes, her eyes widen for a split second "Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother to their stupid christening" She spits back at Audrey finishing also with a fake smile. I looked at Ben as he looked back down at me

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