LXIV: Making today a perfect day

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(Is this chapter a literal copy of the short movie Frozen Fever? Absolutely because it quite fits my plans LMAOO hope y'all have seen it

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(Is this chapter a literal copy of the short movie Frozen Fever? Absolutely because it quite fits my plans LMAOO hope y'all have seen it. Obviously, there's gonna be some changes cause Audrey isn't Elsa with magical ice powers so 😭)

(Okay I'm posting this until I finish with the last song and scene in D3 🙏🏼 (and y'all better not leave after that just yet. I'm gonna write a few extra chapters 😩))

Audrey stood in front of a multi-layered cake as one of the ice sculptors showed her an ice sculpture of just Priscilla. Audrey hummed at the ice. She shook her head at it. "So lonely" She commented. The person nods their understanding. They put the ice down and picked another up. They showed Audrey the Sculpture of Priscilla but this time an Audrey sculpture was beside it

Audrey tilts her head to the side and taps her chin.
"Stiff" The person puts it down with another nod. They showed a different one, This one was a sad one causing Audrey to gasp at it "I can't put that!" She told the person with an obvious tone. The sculptor understood their mistake and quickly put the ice down. "Come on, this is for Priscilla" Audrey stressed as the person showed another ice sculpture to Audrey, this one was a way happier one than the last but it wasn't up to Audrey's standards "You must have made some good ones"

Jay stood with Carlos, holding two paint cans as Carlos was holding a mop, and put it in one of the cans. "Relax!" Carlos shouted across from the courtyard to Audrey, Jay turned to look at Audrey "It looks great" Carlos assured her, talking about the ice sculptures.
He placed the mop full of paint on a big piece of paper that was on the floor below him

"I just want it to be perfect," Audrey told him with a Sigh. She smiled at the ice sculpture person and then nodded her head giving in to the ice figure of herself and her little sister. The ice sculptor smiled and placed the ice on top of the cake

Carlos stood on top of a ladder putting the paper up. "Speaking of perfect, check this out" He gestures to the sign he made with Jay that said "Happy Birthday Priscilla" Audrey turned around to take a look at it after the person put the sculpture on top of the cake. Audrey's eyes widened at the sign letting out a nervous chuckle

She walked towards Carlos and Jay, "Are you guys sure I can leave you in charge here? " She asked the too "Absolutely," Jay told her. Audrey reached toward Carlos and wiped off the paint that was on his face
"Because I don't want anything to happen to this Courtyard" Audrey continued, worried. She looks around the area. Her eyes landed on a table nearby. She went towards it and fixed the flowers that were on top

"What could happen?" Carlos asked her, Audrey sniffled and wiped her nose slightly. Carlos looks around the greenery around him "It's all set" Audrey looks up from the flowers and lets out a gasp. "Dude, what are you doing?" She asked the dog. Dude was near the cake, his mouth wide open about to eat the cake

Dude quickly backed away after getting caught. He closed his mouth and looked at Audrey. "I wasn't about to eat the cake, I swear!" He quickly tried to defend himself, Audrey let out a chuckle. "Dude..."

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