LXVI: Paintball

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(I have FINALLY posted something

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(I have FINALLY posted something. Sorry to keep y'all waiting 😭 (and I'll tbh keep doing it LMAO))

It was the last month of summer break before school started for the year. Priscilla was approaching the Tourney field, She knew Carlos was practicing for the upcoming Tourney season. He and Jay were teaching some of the new kids, who were attending their new year in Auradon prep

As the new kids practiced for when tryouts came once school starts, Jay was practicing himself as well for his tryouts once he goes away to college. He wanted to ace tryouts and be on the Tourney team in college. Everyone knew he would though

Priscilla spotted Carlos taking a break, sipping water from his water bottle. She smiled slightly in a mischievous way at the sight of her boyfriend and started to walk towards him. Since his back was facing her, Carlos didn't notice Priscilla approaching behind him with a playful grin on her face

Walking up to him quietly she made it behind him. She went beside him and slammed her hands on the bench, the loud slamming noise scaring the boy. He jumped from his seat, Carlos snapped his head towards Priscilla's direction seeing her smile right at him, the playfulness still in her smile. Carlos let out a breath and held his hand on his chest making the girl let out a giggle

Deciding to stay on her feet and she stayed bent with her hands on top of the aluminum bench. She looks over at the field filled with others playing Tourney with each other. She turns her head back to Carlos "Are you planning to be captain this year?" She asked him, nodding her head towards the field, "Now that Jay and Chad have graduated, you have a chance"

Carlos hummed, "I'm thinking about it," He told her, ticking his head to the side. His gaze went to the field. "Well either way you're gonna have a cheerleader cheering you on by the sidelines," Carlos let out a chuckle and shook his head

"But if you do plan on being the Captain of the Tourney team. We could be those stereotypical couples that we see in movies. Those Captain of the basketball team and captain of the cheerleading team" Priscilla said in a playful tone, bumping her shoulder with his. Carlos looked back at her with an eyebrow raised "You're being
Cheer captain this year?" He asked her and Priscilla hummed a yes to his question

"Well you know Audrey and Jane had their chances of being Captain I think it would finally be my turn to be so," She told him with a head tilt, keeping hold of the eye contact between them "And since Audrey finally graduated from spending her time in summer school they thought they should pass the spot to me"

"That's thoughtful of them " Carlos stated with a small smile. "Yeah" Priscilla nods her head with a small smile as well, agreeing with him "Since Jane loved being Captain when Audrey was gone with the Good fairies, I decided to make her co-captain, But that's a surprise don't tell her " Carlos pretended to zip his lips and throw away the heys "My lips are sealed"

Priscilla laughed at his antics. She leaned in and pressed a long peck on Carlos' lips, his hands cupping her cheek. Priscilla leaned away from his lips and finally decided to take a seat on the bench, her back facing the Tourney field. "Why didn't you take the Captain position when your sister left?" Carlos asked her curiously. Priscilla raised one shoulder to shrug with an upside-down smile on her face "I didn't want it then and Jane wanted to try being Captain at least once because Audrey has always been the captain" Priscilla answered him, and the two smiled at each other softly. Priscilla looks behind her to the field then back to Carlos "Are you done practicing for the day?" She asked him

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