XXXV: Ben has been captured

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*To see what they are saying just highlight the words and press translate while I hope it gives you the right translation*

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*To see what they are saying just highlight the words and press translate while I hope it gives you the right translation*

"Trésor?" Harry said only the princess understood, the others looked at each other confused. Harry's voice sounded surprised. This is the first time Harry had seen the Royal advisor after years. They all saw shock filled in Harry's face as he stared at the girl behind Carlos. Priscilla tried to hide further behind the white haired boy

"I see ye hiding, trésor" Harry taunted, everyone eyes was on Priscilla, the said girl looked at him "Harry" Priscilla knowledges the pirate "You can't call me that anymore..." The girl came out more clearly to the pirates view. The boy looked down at her clothes, getting Deja Vu

"Je vois que tu les portes encore" Harry spoke in French, a language Priscilla only understood. Maybe Evie knew a few words in the language. "C'est les seuls vêtements que j'ai" Priscilla replied looking down at herself. She looks back up at Harry, "Pourtant tu as toujours l'air bien comme avant..." Harry complemented making Priscilla chuckle, a little blush formed in her cheeks still not used of Harry flirtation

"Je vois que tu es toujours un flirt"

The other VKs were just standing there still confused as ever as Harry Hook and Priscilla Rose talked to each other in a language they couldn't speak "I thought ye'd forgotten about me" Harry mentioned, sincerely looking upset at Priscilla "Of course I wouldn't forget about you Harry" Priscilla softly spoke shaking her head "Yet you forgot to come back" The Pirate spoke getting angry at each word he spoke

"Parce que je n'ai pas pu revenir" Priscilla sounded very aggressive to the non-French speakers who was looking at the two back and fourth. Priscilla took a step forward "Pourqoui pas?" Harry asked looking down at her

"Parece que mes parents savaient pour nous Harry!"

At her angry statement Harry got silent as she leaned forward and gritted her teeth "Alright" Carlos finally spoke up as the two stared at each other down "What the hell are you taking about? And where is Ben?" Carlos grabbed Priscilla by the waist bringing her back towards him, she turns to the De vil boy staring right at his eyes

"I know. I'm sorry. He's just being a little-" Priscilla cut herself off, she let out a big exhale and turns back around to Harry "Where is Ben?" She echoed Carlos' question

Harry walked towards the Princess and held out his hook starting to softly smooth her jaw, She kept her head high. Priscilla quickly pushed his hand away and Carlos pulled her closer to him "Do not touch me"

"Oh, trésor..." Harry shook his head as he tutted. His eyes trails down to her waist seeing how tightly Carlos is holding her, his eyes slowly went back to hers "Ye're not with this wee pup, are ye?"

"Why does that matter now, Harry? I won't ask again. Where is Ben?" Priscilla demanded gritting her teeth

"Ah, we nicked him. Mmhm" Harry pointed behind him "Yeah, um, and if you want to see him again have Mal," He gestures up at the hideout "Come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone" He pointed at the four with a grin "Uma wants a little visit.."

His gaze went to Jay "Aw. Jay.." He pouted his lips looking down at the boy "Seems like you've lost your touch" Jay started to launch towards the pirate but Evie held him back. Harry laughs at the pathetic attempt and slowly turned to Cruella's son who was starting at him with a disgusted (?) face. Harry barked towards him expecting a flinch from the De Vil but didn't get a reaction, he looks at the princess behind the boy and gave her a wave with his fingers before turning around, walking away while whistling

The three VKs stared at the Royal Advisor who's staring at Harry's back, she looks at them "I do not want to talk about it" She looks up at the structure "Let's just go to Mal"


Once everybody made it to the hideout they saw Mal spray painting a wall before she saw them all come in

"What-Why are you all here?" Demanded the now purple haired girl "And where's Ben?" As Mal asked her questions Priscilla was admiring her surroundings, the entire place was covered with Spray painted art

"Harry took him. Now Uma has him" Jay answered Mal as Priscilla slumped down to the Red couch "If you guys never would have brought him here this never would have happened. What were you thinking?" Accused the girl

"He was gonna come with or without us. We just wanted to protect him" Explained Evie, turning to Mal

"yeah and we completely blew it" Carlos said sounding defeated "Now Harry said that Uma wants a little wee visit" Priscilla mocked in a Scottish accent, the girl now started bouncing her leg in stress

Jay looked down at her then back at Mal "Okay, so what are we gonna do?" He asked the purple haired girl

"We are not doing anything" Mal went down the steps in the room making it in front of the others "This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk and guess what, now I have to go get him" Mal ranted, Mal went to get her mini backpack. Priscilla looks up at the girl

"You can't really go alone, Mal"

"Yeah, Mal, you're still gonna have to go through Harry and his wharf rats" Carlos warned "Yeah. You're gonna need us" Added Jay

"Uma said to come alone" Mal reminded looking down at Priscilla who was still sitting in the couch

"Mal, come on" Begged Evie, Mal shrugged her shoulder and glared at Evie "Uma did day to go alone" Gave up the princess, she form her lips to a straight line, Carlos gave her a glance and looked at the Blue haired girl "I know one thing, Im not going anywhere" Carlos sat down beside Priscilla. The said girl sighed and laid her head on his shoulder

"We'll be here when you get back" Jay told Mal, the girl gave everyone a look before walking away

Everyone eyes suddenly went to Priscilla, the girl wasn't paying attention to the three and was engrossed to her nails. Feeling eyes on her she looked up to see everyone staring at her. The girl shifted uncomfortably "What?" She asked

"Priscilla, how do you know Harry?" Evie asked

Priscilla breathed in, looking down at her lap "Oh god" She muttered under her breath. She rubbed her forehead and shook her head at the thought of the Pirate "Let's just say I used to visit the isle a few times"

"What were you guys arguing about earlier?" Carlos asked looking at her, Priscilla connects their eye contact "Umm, on how I stopped coming to the Isle because my parents found out about Harry and I"

"So you and Harry used to.." Evie trailed off, Priscilla shook her head "No. We didn't date or anything close to it. We were just friends"


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