XLVIII: VK Day Committee meeting

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It's been a few weeks later since the talk about the VK Day arrangement

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It's been a few weeks later since the talk about the VK Day arrangement. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are all gathered in Belle's Parlor to discuss about the exciting day. Ben and Priscilla were a bit late to the meeting

Priscilla heard Evie's voice say "Oh, look. Here comes Ben and Priscilla" right as the two of them walked in the pastel yellow room. Priscilla gave them all a smile "Hey guys, sorry we're late" The girl walked to the group and went directly to Carlos, who was shamelessly staring at her. Priscilla made herself a seat on his lap, her arm went around his shoulders as one of his hands was on her thigh as the other wrapped around her waist

"Yeah, thanks for waiting everyone. Our last meeting ran longer than I expected" Ben explained, letting out a nervous chuckle as he rubbed his hands together as if he was freezing and wanted to warm his hands up. Priscilla shifted on Carlos' lap, her fingers going through his long white hair "Tell me about it" She murmured

Carlos glances at Ben and then at Priscilla with a small understanding smile "It's no problem. Everything okay?" He asked the both of them but his gaze stayed on Priscilla. She nodded her head at him keeping eye contact as Ben spoke for the both of them "Yeah. Just had to give the green light on a Royal Order of Business"

"The ashram Arts Festival is happening some day this week. Ben and I had to approve a last-minute program change" Priscilla continued to explain, looking away from Carlos and to the others while still playing with Carlos' hair. She felt him squeeze her thigh making her look back at him again as Mal spoke up

"That's this week?" Mal asked excitedly "I can't wait to see all the performances. The East Riding City Ballet, The All-star Coral Calypso Band–we didn't have much culture on the Isle"

"I may perform with others at the Arts festival" Priscilla announced as she spaced out while staring at the floor, feeling eyes on her she looked up and looked at everyone seeing them looking at her with a surprised look. She chuckled at their expression "It's a maybe, you guys"

"Oh, and Mal," Ben called for his girlfriend's attention, the girl turned her head to Ben "We also went over the new security numbers. You'll be happy to know we've doubled the number of guards on duty around the clock. We'll keep Auradon safe" He assured her with a nod. Mal looked at him with an awe expression

"That's the most romantic thing you've ever said"

"Really?" Carlos asked, he lifted his head from Priscilla's shoulder to look at the Purplenette with squinted eyes "More romantic than telling the entire Tourney Stadium that he thought he was in love with you?" Ben looked down at the ground bashfully at Carlos' words, replaying the memories in his head as Mal just rolled her eyes at the white-haired boy

"Oh, man. I can't wait for these newbies to have as much fun in their first year as we did" Jay spoke with a head shake, he leaned back on his chair with his arms crossed

"The fun part will be helping them settle in. I can't wait to show them around Auradon, so they can see for themselves how spectacular it is here" Evie said in a soft tone, her palm under her chin with a smile on her red lips

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