LIX: Clues to find Audrey

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Everyone cheered in victory

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Everyone cheered in victory. The boy taunting the long gone Knights. Priscilla turned to Diana, high-fiving her and yelling out an enthusiastic "Yeah"

"We did that!" Celebrated Uma turning to Mal, the two were about to high-five each other until they came to realization "That's what I'm talk-" The same thing with the boys. As Mal and Uma kept their hands to themselves, Evie let out a few quiet disappointed No's

Instead, they went to their own friends. Evie stayed in between them along with Priscilla and Diana but the two were a bit far apart and stood with their own group of friends. The two groups celebrated with each other separately. Priscilla crossed her arms and placed her fingers on her forehead, slightly Shaking her head, disappointed that they didn't at least cheer with each other for more than a minute before going back to disliking each other

"Guys, come on. This was so great!" Evie slightly pleaded, gesturing with her hands "We were a team. We worked together. Come on" She tried to reach for Mal but Mal brushed her hand away. Evie tried with Uma tapping her arm. Um brushed her off too, looking at Evie like she had three heads

Evie let out a sigh, thinking for an idea in her head. A smile appeared on her face and she placed her hands on her hips "You know what we should try?" She asked everyone, She looked at the pirates and then straight ahead "An ice breaker" Mal's eyes widened when she heard Evie's idea, She turned around to the boys trying to hide her laugh. The two boys just sighed at the girl, Jay crossed his arms as Carlos placed his hand on his face. Priscilla couldn't help but let out a laugh at Evie, covering her eyes and shook her head

Evie turned to the pirates, moving her hair behind her, and clapped her hands together once "You say something you really like about the other person. Okay? I'll start" The pirates just Stayed silent while staring at her, Harry was avoiding eye contact with Evie as he had puffed out his cheeks. Evie looked at every pirate before her eyes landed on Harry, She ticked her head to the side

"Harry" She stated, the boy huffed out air as he closed his eyes "Great accent" Evie complimented, Harry moved his gaze at her. Evie smiled at him brightly, shrugging her Shoulders, Priscilla did a quick upside down Smile while tilting her head to the side at the compliment Evie said to Harry "Now, you go"

Uma looks at Mal."Is she always this perky?" She questions, Evie looks at Uma, "Oh, it wasn't really your turn, but thank you" She told her, Uma raised her eyebrows and Sarcastically nodded her head at the blue-haired girl. Mal grabbed Evie's arm to get her attention "Okay. Evie, come here"


The two grabbed hands "I love you," Mal stated, assuring her. Evie repeated the words back softly. "I love this energy, but we are very short on time" Mal reminded Evie, she pointed at the unalive Knights "Audrey clearly knows that we're here and we need to get out of here, ASAP"

Uma quickly jumps into the conversation, "Alright, where does this cheerleader bunk down?" She asked, "Even if she's not there, we might find some sort of clue" Priscilla walked up to Uma "She's still in the dorms" She answered Uma's question, She placed her hand on her hip. She turned to look at her friends behind her "Because She has summer school after missing almost the entire year" She recited the memories, Mal pointed at the princess before crossing her arms again "You're right"

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