X: Game day

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Priscilla POV

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Priscilla POV

It's the big game day today for the tourney players, I was at locker. Hearing all the girls below me laugh liking their new long hair that Mal did for them. Ben and Audrey walks pass me, Ben went to his locker as Audrey backtracked as she watched the girls laugh touching their new Hair

I also saw Mal creep around staring at Audrey and Ben, but I didn't pay no mind to her. Once the girls below saw Mal they started calling for her and waving. Mal waved back at them and opened her locker right as Jay came in leaning against the lockers beside the girl. The two started a conversation I couldn't quite hear cause they were talking low

"Do you think they actually paid for those?" Know I could hear Audrey voice ask Ben after staring at the giggling girls for quite sometime, I look behind me and saw Jay flirting with all of them. I rolled my eyes and "She did it to Jane's hair, too, and fairy godmother's not happy about it"

I slammed my locker shut and stood beside Ben "What the harm in, Audrey?" I asked my older sister crossing my arm "It's gateaway magic, Cilla!" Audrey stated frantically "Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know it's the lips and the legs and the clothes and then everybody looks good and then where will I be?"

"You'll be below everybody" I said sarcastically and smiled at Audrey, she just rolled her eyes at me and looked at Ben for his statement "Listen, Audrey-" Ben started but Audrey cuts him off by shaking her head and breathed in "I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?"

"Okay" Ben said "Bye, Bennyboo. Bye Cilla" She waved at me, kissed Ben in the cheek and walked away from us. I let out a sigh and shook my head "She's too much" I said and looked up at Ben, he let out a chuckle "I'll see you at the game as well, Bennyboo" I taunted him with the nickname Audrey gives him "Priscilla.." Ben shook his head at me "Bye!"

I quickly walked away from the boy and went through the school hallways, but a hand grabbed mine stopping me. I turned around to see Carlos, he's looking a little nervous "Carlos! Hi" I smiled brightly at him "Priscilla, Hi.." Carlos trailed off as he didn't look at me in eyes "Um, I made some chocolate chip cookies with the rest of group. I saved an extra one for you" Carlos said smiling at me showing me the cookie inside ziploc bag

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