XXXII: I'm going

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*chapter inspired by (Scarletraven13) cause she's the best

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*chapter inspired by (Scarletraven13) cause she's the best. Go read her book 👹*

Priscilla halted in the doorway, eyes narrowing at the sight of Carlos and Jay hurriedly packing their bags "Going somewhere?" she asked, her tone laced with confusion

Carlos, caught off guard, jumped up at the sound of her voice "Priscilla!" he exclaimed, a mix of surprise and guilt etched on his face "Carlos!" She mocked his surprised expression

As she stood in the doorway, still perplexed, she gestured to the item in her hand, "I came to return this" She raised the item for both of them to see, she slowly puts the item on the table beside the door "but you're obviously busy.."

Her gaze shifted between the two boys as she sought an explanation for the sudden flurry of activity "So, spill it. What's with the packing?" she inquired, a hint of suspicion coloring her words, her eyes squinting at the two

Jay, attempting to play it cool, started "You know... just guy stuff.." Priscilla nodded her head at his words and pursed her lips before smacking her lips "Right..." She drags the words, her eyes goes between the guys once again "What exactly are you up to?" she asked, a wry smile playing on her lips

Undeterred by Jay's attempt at deception, she turned her attention to Carlos, her expression growing more serious "Alright, Carlos, spill the truth. What's going on?" she demanded, her arms crossed over her chest

Carlos hesitated, exchanging a glance with Jay "We're going to the isle.." he admitted, Priscilla's eyes widened in disbelief "The Isle? Are you guys crazy?" she questioned, stepping further into the room

"Mal returned to the isle" Carlos began explaining the reason for their impromptu journey "We're guessing that she and Ben had a argument or something for her to go back" Priscilla, now with hands on her hips, listened intently, her eyebrows furrowed

"And who's all in on this grand adventure?" she asked, suspicion evident in her voice. Carlos hesitated once again, "Oh, you know... Me, Jay, Evie...and Ben" Priscilla shook her head, clearly miffed that she wasn't informed earlier. Her eyes widening at the mention of Ben

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