LI: The Hall of Armor

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None in Auradon knows where Uma could be, but Mal has a bad feeling that the pirate's revenge is imminent

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None in Auradon knows where Uma could be, but Mal has a bad feeling that the pirate's revenge is imminent. Everyday Mal does a Dragon Flyover, soaring high above the kingdoms and seas searching for any signs of Uma's reappearance

Mai has just returned from the day's flyover and transformed back to human from her dragon form right as Priscilla and the others made it to the rooftop of the Kingdom, greeting the girl

"How'd it go up there?" Jay asked as they approached her. Priscilla gave her a sweet smile, Mal let out a Sigh as she washed toward the group "The Auradon Coast is clear" She answered crossing her arms and looking behind her back to the waters "For now" She added

"Maybe you should take a break" Eve Suggested, her Voice being soft as she spoke to Mal "You've been spending all your time on Uma watch lately " She continued as Mal turned her gaze back to the group

"Yach" Jay agreed as he nodded his head "Call It a day.
Come have some fun" He continued as he pointed to the door he and the other three came from with his head "We Can all grab our motorbike, catch some Speed"

"It is the perfect time of day for a ride," Carlos said with a small smile

Mal still had her arms crossed and scratched the bridge of her nose "I can't" She sighed "You guys, Something is up. There's an eerie tension in the air. She's coming. Soon " Mat warned with a worried look

''You're sure? Priscilla asked Curiously as she furrowed her Eyebrows with a head tilt. Mal nodded her head at Prisalla's question "Positive" She responded "There's danger headed towards Auradon. I can feel it. And I keep having these dark visions. They're like nightmares, but I'm Awake"

"Well, that's not good" Carlos muttered

"Think about it" Mal started "We've all known Uma Since we were Kids. She's not one to back down" She
said mostly, to the other VKs. Carlos nodded his head
"She's always been pretty ruthless"

"And ambitious" Evie added
"And unpredictable" Jay continued the list of what Uma is

"'Do you remember that one time on the Isle, Years ago, when she stormed in and took over the slop chap? She didn't release the goblin cooks until they fed her entire pirate crew for free" She reminded the crew of the memory "For a month" she added

"The goblins were Whimpering when she was done with them," Carlos said remembering what had happened That day "Uma's no joke"

"And now that she knows how to transform into a sea witch," Mal continued "She's like a hundred times more dangerous than she was on the isle" Mal gestured with her hand as she spoke "And she was not a happy octopus the last time we saw her" Jay added with a head shake

Mat sighed once more "I just wish Ben Understood the Way you guys do" Mal admitted, Evie tilted her head at her with furrowed eyebrows as she put a hand on Mal's shoulder "What do you mean?" She asked the Purplenette

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