II: Ben proclamation

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I nodded my head to the two guards in front of Ben's bedroom door, they both bowed down to me and opened the sliding door for me to enter

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I nodded my head to the two guards in front of Ben's bedroom door, they both bowed down to me and opened the sliding door for me to enter

I gave them a smile as a thank you, I walked in the room seeing Ben and his parents already there "Oh hi" I waved shyly to the parents, I look to right and saw Ben still getting measured

"Hey Ben"

Ben nodded and put his attention back to his parents "As I was saying, I've chosen my first official proclamation." Ben started, I look at his parents and their faces are filled with excitement while looking at each other then looked back at Ben.

"I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance" He took a big breath in before speaking again "To live here in Auradon" I look at his parents again and now their faces are filled with shock

Belle let out a noise, dropping Ben's blazer

Ben began to explain before they got to say anything "Every time I look out to the island I fell like they've been abandoned" Ben stepped off the platform he was getting measured form. His tailor gave him a look before giving up from stopping him and went to write his measurements down in a notepad. I let out a quiet chuckle.

My attention went back to the Beast Family. Beast started to talk first, "The children of our sworn enemies?" Beast pointed at the window with his finger "Living among us? Did Priscilla agree to this?" He kept on questioning Ben now pointing at me. I opened my mouth to say something but Ben beat me to it "Yes, she did. But we start out with a few at first. Only the ones who needs it the most"

Belle nodded slightly at her son then looked up at her husband "We've already chosen them" Ben said giving me a glance, I did the same. I gave him a comforting smile and we both turned back at his parents

"Have you?" Beast ask giving me a glance stepping a little closer to Ben but Belle stopped him by grabbing his arm "I gave you a second chance" She spoke gently, She looked at Ben as her husband looked down at her "Who are their parents?" she asked the question I've been dreading, She speared me a glance making me walk next to Ben

"Cruella de vil, Jafar, Evil Queen" Ben listed but stopped at the last one knowing what their reactions was gonna be. Belle nodded at their names taking it all in. Ben gave me a look for help

I straighten myself and let out a sigh, "and Maleficent" I finished, my confidence quickly left as the name came out of my name. I looked down at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I heard a gasp behind me and something falling "Maleficent!?" Beast yelled scaring me "She is the worst villain in the land!"

"Dad, just hear us out" Ben begged not looking at him in the eye "I won't hear if it" Beast disagreed, pointing his finger at us "They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

"I'm sure their children are innocent" I spoke up trying to reason him looking up "Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" Ben asked, Auradon isn't quite a normal place but I guess it's better than the isle not having to eat the rotten food and stuff. I turned around hearing movement behind me and watched as Ben's tailor leave the room with a bow


Beast had all our eyes on him, he looked down at Belle for assurance. Belle gave him a small unnoticeable nod, Ben look at his dad. Beast let out a sigh "I suppose the children are innocent" He said still unsure about Ben's proclamation. I grinned brightly at his words as he turned around reaching to the double door waiting for his wife

"Well" Belle started fixing Ben's Blazer and moved on to me placing her hand on my cheek, I leaned into her hand holding it "Well done" She let go of my face and gave us a bright smile before turning around wrapping her arms into her husbands "Shall we?" The two adults left the room, I turn to the side expecting to see Ben by me but I saw him looking out the window to the isle

I looked out the isle as well getting attached by it, I made my way towards Ben. I look down at my wrist playing with my bracelet

I then look at my watch seeing what time it was, I should be going "I've got to go" I announced to Ben touching his shoulder getting him back to earth "Okay" He stuttered a bit still looking out the window. I nodded looking out the window again once more before leaving Ben's room.

I was in my dorm, I shared with someone but she's rarely here so I guess you can say it's my own dorm with two beds

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I was in my dorm, I shared with someone but she's rarely here so I guess you can say it's my own dorm with two beds. "Did you know?" A familiar voice shrieked, "Know what, Audrey?" I sighed at her stopping what I was doing to look at her "Ben's proclamation?" She recalled sitting next to me to look at me in the face "So what I did?"

"So you agreed? Especially Maleficent!?"

"At first I said no" I told her placing my hands down "But then I agreed to it"

"Why" Audrey asked, looking generally confused "Because this is Auradon. It's a boring place and I think bringing the Villains kids would at least spice things up" I explained "And.. Every time I look at the isle I feel something. Like a connection? And I want to know what it is"

"A connection? Please you're sounding like Ben" Audrey said, I just rolled my eyes at her "It also sounds ridiculous" I let out a snigger "To you Audrey, to you it sounds ridiculous"

Now it was Audrey turn to roll her eyes "Just accept this proclamation. Please. And try, just try to be nice to the kids" I begged placing my hands together like I'm praying, then place them on her arms "No promises" Audrey said half serious and half joking.

I playfully roll my eyes and smiled, I walked towards the window and noticing people going out to be there when the new kids come "Come on they are gonna be here soon" I said grinning "Coming" I heard Audrey say behind me "Close the door behind you" I trailed off to the hallways. I heard her close the door behind me and her heels hitting the wooden floor behind me

"Hurry up!"

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