XLVII: Villain Kid Initiative

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(Like around 4-5 chapters are gonna be some chapters based on this D3 game that are based before D3 even starts sooo 😝 I think some of them might be short as hell too )

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(Like around 4-5 chapters are gonna be some chapters based on this D3 game that are based before D3 even starts sooo 😝 I think some of them might be short as hell too )

Priscilla was seated in Ben's bedroom, occupying a wooden chair with royal blue cushions placed in front of his bed. She had one leg crossed over the other, a notepad resting on her lap, and a pen tucked behind her ear. Ben had invited Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay to his office/bedroom for a discussion about Auradon's new Villain Kid Progress

Ben leaned against his table, his gaze sweeping across everyone in the room. He offered them a warm smile before clapping his hands once "Thanks for coming everyone. I'm beyond excited about this Villain Kid Initiative"

"Are you kidding? We're so excited" Evie gestures to everyone before placing her interlocked hand under her chin "I can't believe this is actually happening"

"We're bringing more VKs here! To Auradon!" Mal said while quietly clapping her hands. Priscilla laughed and added, "I know everyone here in Auradon Prep. It's getting boring, we definitely need new kids" She spoke playfully, she reached for the pen that was behind her ear and clicked the top

"We are going to change some lives. Big time" Carlos nodded his head, He glanced at Priscilla, who was already looking at him with her pen between her teeth

"Huge time" Jay nods

"It's like a wish come true-" Evie sighed at her own words before Jay chimed in again, "Minus the stolen genie lamp. Cause, I don't steal anymore. Unless you're talking about hearts" He spoke matter-of-factly, spreading his hands by his sides and winking at Priscilla. She just rolled her eyes at the long-haired boy, while Carlos slapped him on the arm with an annoyed expression

"Stealing hearts seem to be more Carlos' thing these days, have you seen Priscilla?" Mal whispered to Evie as if the girl she was talking about wasn't right beside her and in the room. Evie quickly nodded her head agreeing with Mal "Totally. Isn't it adorable?"

"Seriously, the cutest"

Ben cleared his throat at the two chatty girls while Priscilla looked down at her notebook being a blushing mess "We are talking about the VK Initiative" Ben reminded the girls, Evie turned to Ben with her hands on her waist

"Oh right," Mal said, nodding and fixed herself and continued to speak "It's such an important cause. There are so many amazing Villain Kids stuck in the Isle that deserve a chance at life in Auradon"

Priscilla nodded her head at every word Mal spoke. "So many worthy VKs" Carlos agreed with a curt nod, Priscilla was writing down in the notebook as she asked a question to everyone "How do we choose which Isle Kids get to attend Auradon Prep next fall?" She looked up and glanced at everyone in the room except the guards who stood at the door

"Ben, you're king" Carlos shrugged his shoulders as he turned to the King "You should pick. You did a pretty good job choosing the first four, if I do say so myself"

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