LXIII: True love kiss

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It's morning now

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It's morning now. Mal, Ben, Ben's parents, Fairy Godmother, and Audrey's Grandma were with Audrey in her room as they waited for Hades to come to Auradon. Carlos, Dude, and Diana were with Priscilla in her room. Dude was on the bed resting on Priscilla, slightly whimpering wanting the girl to be awake already as Carlos was hesitating a bit with the true love kiss bit, and with Diana in the room as well just added more to his nervousness

Diana decided to stay in Auradon after the other three pirates and Celia left back to the Isle of the Lost. Her reasons were Priscilla, She wanted to be there when she finally woke up and be okay. The other reason was her baby sister, Dizzy. She wanted to be closer to Dizzy in Auradon instead of being with their grandmother, Lady Tremaine

There was a knock on Audrey's bedroom door. Beast went towards it and opened the door revealing Hades as his hands were in front of him and handcuffed with guards around him. Beast backed away and moved to the side as Hades walked into the room. Mal walked towards him, her hand behind her back. "Thank you for coming," She told him

"Didn't have much choice" He Said, talking about the guards holding on to his arm. Mal stayed silent as Ben walked up, stepping in "Can you wake her?" He asked Hades

Hades, looks at him, "Since when did heroes care about Villains?" Hades wondered


"One of your own?" Hades cut him off, tilting his head to the side "Right" He chuckles. He looks down and takes a deep breath in before looking back up. "When you guys try to destroy the world, it's an error in judgment" He shrugs, "But when it's one of us, lock 'em up, throw away the they" Hades looks towards Adam, who looks away from Hades when he said those words "Right, beast?" He asks him

Adam looks back at Heides, clenching his jaw at him.
Hades looks away and takes another breath in. He raises his hands up, scaring some of them including Mal. "Yeah, I'm gonna need to use my hands" He reasons. Everyone looks at Ben, who curtly nods at Mal

Mal turns back around to look at her dad. Two guards unlock Hades' handcuffs. Hades shakes his right hand before holding his hand out to Mal, he gestures to her to give him what he needs. Mal slowly gave him the blue ember. Hades wrapped his fist around it and his hair went into flames. "Haven't lost my touch" He jests with a small Chuckle. He turns to Beast getting up to his face, He starts to snarl at him and Beast grows at Hades back

"Dad" Mal warns, making Hades back off. He gave Adam one more glance before walking towards the edge of Audrey's bed, Mal following behind him. Hades began to wave his hand that was holding the ember above the bed and the room turned to blue as he did so. He had his eyes closed and was slightly crouching. He continued doing what he was before standing back up and the room turned to its original color

Audrey began to sit up, her eyes opening. Mal had her hands over her mouth. "Oh, Audrey. You're okay" Audrey's grandmother smiled as she held Audrey's Shoulder. Hades hair went back to normal, he threw his ember up in the air before catching it again on his hand. Fairy Godmother stood up from her seat with her hand on her chest. Audrey looks over at Mal and Ben. "Tell me it was all a bad dream" She whispers to them

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