XL: Once upon a dream

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(..Hey.... long time no see...)

Priscilla and Carlos had parted ways after their encounter on the rooftop garden, both drenched from the rain. Priscilla headed to her dorm room to change, planning to rendezvous with Lonnie and then meet up with Jay. The reason for their meeting was that Jay as the Arabian boy, had finally made up his mind and was about to appoint Lonnie as the captain of the ROAR team. Priscilla's primary motivation was to witness her friend's happiness, with Chad's reaction being an added bonus

Speaking about the Asian girl, Priscilla spotted Lonnie about to knock on her dorm room door, but when Lonnie turned and saw Priscilla drenched, confusion washed over her features. Her eyebrows furrowed as she hesitantly asked, "What... happened to you?" Priscilla couldn't help but laugh, looking down at her soaked clothes and the irritating leather pants. "You won't believe what just happened, Lon," she said, moving closer to her friend and resting a hand on her shoulder. Lonnie gestured for Priscilla to continue, and Priscilla promptly ushered her inside the room. That's when the girl's wet clothes were exchanged for something more comfortable, and they began to catch up

Priscilla reminisced about the time she and the others had ventured to the island without Lonnie, then to where she came along, She also talked about where she had kissed Harry to Carlos asking her to Cotillion. A smile remained on her face throughout this reflection, replaying those moments in her mind. Lonnie couldn't help but share in her friend's happiness, glad to see Priscilla had found someone who treated her right

Priscilla stepped out of the bathroom, towel in hand, and began scrunching her wet hair with a smile. "I'm so happy for you, Pris," Lonnie beamed at her friend. Priscilla's grin was practically as wide as the Cheshire Cat's. "I've liked him for so long now," she admitted, letting out a sigh and tossing the towel aside

"Trust me, I know. You were kind of obvious with your feelings," Lonnie chuckled. Priscilla joined in the laughter, shaking her head. "Come on, we've got to get going," she said, eager to embark on the next adventure

"Time to name you captain of the ROAR Team!" Priscilla sang, her words causing the girl beside her to squeal in excitement


Lonnie and Priscilla met up with Jay. "Hey, Jay," Priscilla greeted him, while Lonnie waved enthusiastically. "Hey. Are you ready?" Jay asked directly to Lonnie, who nodded her head rapidly, showing her excitement. Jay let out a laugh, "Okay, wait here."

Jay nodded and headed into the Amphitheater, with Lonnie and Priscilla leaning against the door to eavesdrop on his pep talk to the team. "Let's bring it in, boys, let's bring it in," Jay called out, clapping his hands to capture their attention. He let out a sigh and began his address, "All right." The anticipation in the air was palpable

"You all know I come from the Isle, right? Things are pretty whack," Jay began, his gaze sweeping across everyone. He couldn't help but let out a scoff that sounded more like a laugh. "But there's one thing the Isle's got on Auradon. If you're strong, we want you by our side, girl or boy," he declared, emphasizing the importance of strength and unity in their team

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