XXIX: Speaking!?

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*Yes I am making her oblivious here 🌚*

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*Yes I am making her oblivious here 🌚*

After all that with Lonnie and Chad, Evie had texted Priscilla to meet her in her room and needed her opinion about a few changes for her dress. So that's where Priscilla was in Evie's dorm seeing her sketches of her dress. There was two pages of the same dress but different styles. The bottom of the dress was same in both drawings but the top of the dress was not

"Okay, do you want a plain top or a corset?" Asked Evie pointing the pages with the end of her pen. She place the pen on her ear and handed the sketch book to the standing girl beside her. Priscilla grabbed the book letting out a sigh, pushing her hair back. She looked between them carefully. Priscilla had a pencil of her own and tapped on a specific drawing repeatedly "This one. 100 percent"

She tapped the drawing with the corset version

"Good choice. Like always" Clarified Evie grabbed the book from her, "Okay so I'll start working on that and make a few changed and we are all set with you"

Priscilla repeatedly clapper her hands with an exciting smile "I seriously can not wait" Spoke Priscilla, watching the stylist work with other sketches "Me either" Evie said a smile breaking out onto her face

Priscilla appreciate Evie. The bluenette saw anyone inner beauty. She can help anyone bring it out. The girl appreciated her offer to make her a dress for Cotillion. After seeing her make her own clothing, she knew she could trust the fashionista

"I'm very excited. From the start, I knew you would've fit in here in Auradon"

"Please, Priscilla, I'm blushing. I'm just being myself, really"

"How's it for you?" Evie asked looking up "I'm multitasking" Priscilla answers placing her hands on her hips "You excited for Cotillion?"

"Obviously! Bet Mal excited herself"

Priscilla scrunched her face, "Hmm, did you ever asked how she feels?"

"Umm.. not really, no" Evie continued her writing. Priscilla formed her lips to a straight line "Well, um, you should check up on her from time to time. She is your best friends"

Evie paused what she was doing as Priscilla grabbed her things, the girl grinned at the princess "You're right, Priscilla"

"Aren't I always?" She sang reaching the door "I'll see you later, Evie. Im going to meet up with Carlos" Priscilla announced, The bluenette slowly gave her a knowing smirk "Don't" Warned the girl, Evie bit her lip stopping herself from saying anything


Right as she made it to Carlos' dorm, Mal seemed to be leaving the room with a stunned look, "Ar—"

"Don't even ask" She said walking past the girl, Cilla's eyes followed the blonde girl with a confused expression. Without even asking, she entered the room and everything seemed fine to her eyes. Carlos was standing by his bed staring at Dude with also a stunned face, his head turned to see Cilla standing there

"Did something happen that I am not aware of?"

Carlos let out a cough, clearing out his through, "Well—"

Suddenly a unfamiliar voice joins in, "Beauty! Have you come for scratches?" Priscilla head snapped at the dog, practically jumping up from the floor and letting out a short scream that got cut off by her hand covering her mouth in shock. Her head slowly turns to Carlos, who had an uneasy smile. Dude was wagging his tail happily, unaware of what's happening

"I-Did he just—"

"I know, I know!" Groaned Carlos, his fingers going through this hair "Long story short, he accidentally ate my truth gummy—"

"Which was horrible!" Added Dude

Priscilla looked over at the animal, still in shock that he can now talk "And I don't know how long the effect will last"

"Hopefully, not for long" Priscilla walked over to the dog, talking a seat beside him and scratched behind his ear, he seemed to be enjoying it

"Always know the best spots"

Priscilla smiled a bit but then came into realizing. She turned her attention to Carlos not scratching Dude anymore making the Dog whine

"Wait, a truth gummy? Why did you need one?"

The boy suddenly got all quiet making Priscilla raise an eyebrow at him "Oh, it's.. it's just that.."

"He's trying to ask someone to Cotillion!" Shouted the dog, Carlos looked at him, appearing to be ready to strangle the animal. At Dude's statement, Priscilla heart broke a bit

"Oh?" She chirped trying to sound excited for the boy "Who's the girl?"

Carlos put a hand over Dude's mouth before he could blurt something out "C-can't really say, Haha" Priscilla felt disappointed, so she expressed the emotion by slightly pouting and crossing her arms, at the look of her face Carlos let out a sigh "Look, it's not a big deal, I'm just trying to get the guts to ask her out to Cotillion.."

Priscilla looked off to the side, thinking before looking back at him "Well, If I were you, I'd just do it. Any girl would be lucky to have you"

Carlos expression softened and he gave her a smile "Thanks, Cilla"

She gave him a soft smile "Of course" The girl looks down at Dude and let out a sigh "I should be going" She announced

Carlos felt a little disappointed but he quickly hide it "You do?" He asked playfully pouting at the girl making her laugh "Yes I do, I still got many things to do today"

"Okay. Are you still on for later on?"
"Of course"

With that the girl left the room and Carlos let out a sigh, looking at his dog

"You're so obvious"

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